IV Open Cup of Kyiv 2013

Как жаль! Недавно я просмотрел записи за последние два или три года и обнаружил, что в классе С-4 практически нет моделей парусного спорта. :(
On the other hand, it’s understandable—working on a small scale is probably very difficult. However, I’ll soon find out "the hard way," as I’ve just started building a new model in a small scale myself! :)

From this list, the only names I recognize are Epur, Shevelev, Kapinos, and Mizev. What can I say, I'm still new to this hobby and have never attended events like these, although Andrey Feshchenko did invite me this year. :)
Good luck to you in your project. Well, the coolest one was in 2014. But if you go for the first time, then even a modest contest in person will be much cooler than any photo.
Сергей, вы действительно создали пир для глаз!)) Спасибо большое. Получила эстетическое удовольствие)
Странно, я не заметил ни одной парусной модели в классе С-4, неужели их действительно не было?

На этой фотографии я узнала только Олю Данилюк, а крайний справа, если не ошибаюсь, это Саша Белов?)
Так, зліва це Саша Бєлов. Yes, on the left is Sasha Belov.
Удачи вам в вашем проекте. Ну, самый крутой был в 2014 году. Но если вы идете в первый раз, то даже скромный конкурс вживую будет намного круче любой фотографии.
Сергей, а какова судьба Руслана Яворского?
I really liked the stand under this ship, so I decided to replicate the same design as Dmitry's. For those interested, you can take a look; I have detailed everything here: Ship stand.
In this photo, next to Dmitry Shevelev, is the idol of all our idols, the late Ilya Aleshins. In their hands is the first 74-gun ship by Dmitry. The one you saw earlier is the second. They differ in scale and the company of the blueprints. If you want, I can post it here too!

Just amazing quality of models - please do not stop posting photos of these meetings and also the details of these beautiful models
The model made by Shevelev is outstanding.......hope to see also some photos which are not so dark - as a modeler I like to see the details
I have to say, that a lot of the shown models are outstanding
Just amazing quality of models - please do not stop posting photos of these meetings and also the details of these beautiful models
The model made by Shevelev is outstanding.......hope to see also some photos which are not so dark - as a modeler I like to see the details
I have to say, that a lot of the shown models are outstanding
Got the hint)) I'll post his model now, the one he holds with Aleshin (previous photo). The photos there are light. This is his first 74-gun ship. It was the first of its kind and stunned everyone at the championship. The aging effect he achieved on his model was revolutionary and now the rest, like me, are repeating the master's method. An outstanding person.