Hello Michael,
Q1: this is the Compound Table that comes with the Proxxon Mill - though I purchased a second one to also use with a small drill stand. It is designed to fit onto Proxxon machines/tools.
For precise milling, boring, drilling or grinding operations as well as positioning. The optimal attachment when working with the Drill Stand MB 140/S, the Bench Drill Machine TBM 115 or the Machine Vice MS 4. One set of step clamps and clamping accessories are included. Technical data:Table...
Q2: I did some initial shaping using a disc sander. The rest was done with files.
Q3: Casey's Brass Black
Q4: This one is more a work in progress for me. I am very familiar with the frustration of getting a powdery black layer that flakes off. My current approach is as follows (though I suspect it will change as I learn more). First, I thoroughly clean the parts (rotary tool, sandpaper, etc.) and then I drown the parts in white vinegar (30 - 60 minutes seems about right) and after this the parts must not be touched by fingers - only tweezers. Then I drown the part in Brass Black that has been quite diluted (not exactly sure of the formula - it is at least 50% water right now, maybe as much as 80%???) I use the same Brass Black over and over. In it's diluted state the blackening/burnishing takes a bit longer (maybe 60 seconds). Rinse off the part in running water and set on a paper towel to dry. I then wipe down the part using a soft cloth or Q-tip (there will be a fine powder on it) and assess. You can go back into the Brass Black if you want it darker. I think the magic happens when you dilute the Caseys and allow the burnishing to take more time. Again, still learning...