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Kit Review: "H.M. Armed Cutter Alert 1777 (Second Edition) - Plank On Bulkhead", Scale 1:64 - Vanguard Models

I think there will be cnc carvings too,or can be ordered maybe in the future.
Zoly, the carvings shown is for the next kit, demonstration purpose only. H.M. Alert didn't have any carving, painted only (still also debatable), Paint found only on Marshal's painting...
I believe the original Alert had painted decorations on the stern and gunwales, not carved.

Cutters of this period don't have carvings or painted frieses as shown on the model in general. This was very uncommon for such a small vessel. I know only a few small ships which have this, the most popular is HM Sloop Fly.
The only source is the Marshall painting of Alert (but this painting is about 20 years older as the original ship with the same name). If you have a look at historic models or drawings you will see these decorations. It was really popular to show the ships in a more decorative way.

So you have as modeller two options ;)

If you like the photoetch-parts for the decorations you can use it directly or you can use it as pattern for your own paintings
The friezes and stern paintings (are those the same thing?) may or may not be 100% historically accurate, but they are very cool and they add to the beauty of the model.
The same thing applies to using brighter colors for painted parts on models instead of the much duller, but more historically accurate colors that the actual ships had.
The modeler is allowed to make some aesthetic choices while staying within the bounds of accuracy, I believe.
And if Chris Watton and Shipyard (who produced my kit of Alert) both agree that Alert had painted friezes and decorations that’s good enough for me.

Very nice detailed kit and excellent presentation. You mentioned that the anchors were made of white metal which I assume is tin based and contains no lead. The blocks and deadeyes do appear to be of average quality and, if I am going to put that much effort into a high quality kit, I would probably upgrade to blocks from hismodel.com or szkutnik-model.pl.
I cannot disagree with you more, @rpedersen. It should be a great model! Blocks can be certainly a better quality considered all the timber Pearwood and boxwood. Yes, @zoly99sask Zoly introduced SOS members to HISmodel.com they have really nice selection of blocks, CNC gun barrels and other fittings. As for the Szkutnik, I try to order once, but was unsuccessful, never have confirmation... :(
Great review Jim.Very nice kit but agree regarding the blocks.You would have thought with Chris and Chuck being good friends,they could have sorted a deal for Syren to supply the blocks at least for the premium version.I thought that Chris free from Amati's constraints would have given everybody wanted they wanted.This came so close.

Kind Regards

Great review Jim.Very nice kit but agree regarding the blocks.You would have thought with Chris and Chuck being good friends,they could have sorted a deal for Syren to supply the blocks at least for the premium version.I thought that Chris free from Amati's constraints would have given everybody wanted they wanted.This came so close.

Kind Regards

I think those are Master Korabel blocks
Hi Guys, are we saying that Korbel blocks may not be up to standard. I've been looking at some of their kits and they looked to be high quality
Exactly opposite, Hedley. We are talking that Master Korabels blocks - one of the high grade, and would be a great fit for 'premium' Alert kit. :)
Thanks for the clarification (am easily confused these days) Would have been a little surprised as their kits seem to be some of the best around