Hello everybody, I have finally managed to get some free time to keep the work on my Flore. I am going to upload some photos for you to see the progress. Enjoy them.
I made some fake doors to put at the back end of the lower deck because when putting the top deck you could see a hole there and I decided to put this kind of decoration and I think it looks really nice.
After this, I proceeded to glue the top deck and started planking it
As you can see as well as planking the deck I also glued the stem and side stringers.
Then, I primed the transom stern, quarter galleries, and the auxiliary boat which is made of steel too but later I thought it would not look nice painted and I changed my mind....
Now let's move to the auxiliary boat. At first, I just decided to paint it brown and white, but I am not really good at painting and making effects so finally I decided to line this steel boat with sapelli strips and make it look like a wooden boat.
At first, I thought about keeping it simple but as I was covering it up with wooden strips I wanted to add more and more details so it could look nicer. I don't have photos of all these details I added on the go but you can see the result here.
As you can see I added two oars and an anchor.
Finally I stopped adding details and this is how it looks like:
That's all the progress for now. As I said I have more time than before and I am going to keep working on my wonderful flore. I won't be a fas progress but a steady one. I hope you liked the photos. Thank you.