Le Soleil Royal

Your start of preparation looks great.I like the Bowfiller (stern?) and the separation planks. Well Done. El Capi. P.S. You did well too but the whole kit in one shot, and not as I did with DeAgostine- took 3 Year to get all parts444444
. not but , but buy
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Take that foredeck doors no mention about the hinges and lock. No part numbers or location there is no view of the bulkhead in which they sit.
Got a few issue like that on my curent buil the R.L.
But it is a Mamoli kit it is an old kit 1986 and they do have a reputation of short precision
Never build a Sergal kit but what I have read about them it that they do good kit.
What is the date on the drawing if I remember correctly it is an old kit that never received refreshment.