Lexington kit by Lumberyard

Jan 9, 2013

Hi, My name is Don Farr, new to this site but belong to other forums as do others on this site. I have a problem w/Clay Feldmans Practorium and Lumberyard kit of Lexington right now my hold up is how to do Gunports size from plans, but what is size of individual spacer between bulkhead stations. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thans Don Farr
Hi Don,
I went to the lumberyard and see that this is a 3/16 scale plank- on- bulkhead model. So, I also followed the link and I see that they have a few combinations of CD's and Books you can order. Which one do you have? If you have the cd, are any of the plans or details on a PDF or is it all html format?
The reason is that if I could see a snap shot of what you are having problems with, then I or someone might can help.
Is this the first ship you have built. I would think probably not because not too many people know about the Lumberyard or they might have a lot of experience but do not wish to build a ship of this type. I see that it is a plank on bulkhead, so it is not like an Admiralty style. How far have you started on it? if you have not already, I encourage you to start your build log here as well if you wish. I am interested in seeing this ship come together.

Hi Donnie and all, My computer skills are naught my daughter will help me to post pictures not yet. There is a site that can tell you what my problem is. yahoo.com/group/briglex My problem is how he does gun ports like the method but do not understand it. Getting ready to start gun ports need help. Thanks Don Farr
Hi Don,
I am looking that info up for you now, its Friday morning. (1/11/2013)
I joined that group. But, there are only 4 post so far. This group does not have any photos or any documentation that I can see to assist. I can do some research another way I guess. If you have any more info - please let me know. You are welcome to just send me an email to donnie@shipsofscale.com
Hi Donnie, I gave you wrong site here is another one http://lombardsnest.com/www.briglex.org go to planking fig 1 & 4 show completed planking at bulkheads, When my daughter gets home I will post from instructions of practorium. Thanks for all help. Don
Ok Don,

Let me see how I can help.

1) First, reply to this question: "Do you have all the hull planking complete" ? First you must have all of your hull planking finished BEFORE you "cut-out" the Gun Port square openings. I see that some of the "Bulkheads" (part of the frame) goes through the openings of the Gun Ports. This is why you must have your model completely planked with the deck complete before you can cut out your Gun Ports. I do not know what stage you are - and I will wait until I can see a good picture of your ship so far.

2) Do you have the plans sitting in front of you? What size of sheet of paper did you print your plans or are you viewing the plans on your computer?

3) Is your Ship the same physical size as your plans? In other words, is your model the same length, width and height = the plans?
(if it is, then you can use a piece of cardboard as a template to copy the Gun Ports from the plans to your model !!!) If the plans are much, much smaller in size - then this will pose a different problem. You really need for the plans to be the same size as the model.
Most all kit plans are a 1:1 ratio. If you copy the plans to a 8x11 sheet of paper, then we have to do some converting.

4) I assume after all of this that what you are wanting to know is the DISTANCE between EACH gunport and also where to position them. If this is what you want to know, then we have to make a TEMPLATE from the plans and TRANSFER that template with the Gun Port Cut-outs and tape the TEMPLATE to your Model and trace out the openings with a pencil. Remove the TEMPLATE and use an exacto knife to cut out the square openings.
When you make the Template - make SURE you have a good reference point like the TOP EDGE of the RAIL of the ship.

Here is a set of graphics that I created that might be of some help.




Donnie, I can not tell how much I appreciate all your help. The plans gave me a lot of probles printing from practorium book finally a blue print co. printed them correctly for me I cut the plans to a workable 22x17 sheets done to size of model. The stage of building is framing put together and blocking between bulkheads is al most complete I am shaping the bow and stern blocks have not been installed yet. My daughter will be home this weekend and I will get her to take photos from practorium and my model. I will print out his instructions on gun ports. If my thinking of what.You are right there are 3 gun ports that pierce bulkhead stations. Here is what he is saying. after blocking is complete .( next to frame up gunports. A fairly easy way to do this is to use thin softwood panels fitted betweensuccsive pairs bulkhead former bulkwark uprightsand piercethe mounted and faired blocks for ports. then he says each panelshould be a bit longer than its stanchions are tall and top should match sheer curve. He says 3/16 in thick pieces for material except for bow and quarterdeck. I like his method because I do not hahe to worry about bends at bow and sterns if I am interprting this correctly. Thanks so much for help I will send pictures to you soon. Thanks Don
Hi Donnie, My Daughter is back she said sometime this afternoon she will send you pages from practorium to your email address. Thanks Don
no - I have not. If the file is too big, then it might not go through. There are other ways to do this, but depending on your daughters computer abilities.
You can try to send ONE document at a time. Just try again and make sure she has the correct email address.

Click here to send an email to donnie@shipsofscale.com
I got it now. Now, let me see where were we ?? !!! :grin:
I do believe that I can help you. I see what is going on with the ship. Please allow me this afternoon to further enhance the instructions with a graphic. I will respond tonight !!!

Ho Donnie, I live in Wichita, KS. central time. I received the down loads will study today if I have any questions I will ask. Again thanks so much for all your help Don