Making Cannon

I'm trying to avoid modelling garrison pieces, though I've been tempted to do the Rodmans that armed Fort McHenry in Baltimore. That's pure nostalgia from when I played at the fort as a kid. I've managed to resist that urge, so far.
I am still working on a display of one-each of all the guns Constellation carried from 1854 to present. That project is stuck on the iron carriage for the 11 inch Dahlgren she mounted on the gundeck for a few years.
the carriage you are looking for , is like/similar to this ?



dahlgren XI rifled VIII  3.jpg
I'm sorry but I can't help you much more
the photos are taken from the internet ... it should be a naval base , given the aircraft carrier , the submarine on the left and the cranes at the top right
also the bridge should help to identify the location
of this Dahlgren I have 16 Photos

dahlgren XI rifled VIII.jpg
Using Google Lens I note that this photo was taken at Patriots Point, Mount Pleasant, Charleston County, South Carolina. The carrier is USS Yorktown.

Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum​

Patriot Point Dahlgren questions :
these Dahlgren do not have the bulge at the mouth , do you think the mouth has been turned or the barrel has been shortened ; I can't tell from the photographs
I am trying to find what is between the slides . two racks underneath the carriage to bring it forward again ? a hydraulic cylinder for recoil ?
what could be the piece under the slides ( that seems to be touching the ground ) ; it can't be for the pivot pin because the the third and fourth gun shows at the front the bracket that is missing in the other two
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Patriot Point Dahlgren questions :
these Dahlgren do not have the bulge at the mouth , do you think the mouth has been turned or the barrel has been shortened ; I can't tell from the photographs
I am trying to find what is between the slides . two racks underneath the carriage to bring it forward again ? a hydraulic cylinder for recoil ?
what could be the piece under the slides ( that seems to be touching the ground ) ; it can't be for the pivot pin because the the third and fourth gun shows at the front the bracket that is missing in the other two
Artilleryman, could we see your other pictures of this gun? It might help answer your question. And I am going to make a 1:10 scale model of the Dahlgren XI, and seriously considering this carriage and slide for the model. (The Monitor carriage and slide is my other option.) Input from any other readers with photos or diagrams of this gun would also be appreciated. I would visit it and measure it personally, if it was not so far away from Oz. Maybe I will just do that.