Mantua Sovereign of the Seas 1:78 bashed to death kit from Janos

G'day Janos
Absolutely incredibly brilliant

This model is differently the
My mind is numb at the beautiful work I that I just seen!
I can think of anything else, what I can say. There are no words that can Express my true amazement.
Thanks, Greg, very nice of you!
Currently struggling with the cannon barrels. I wanted to turn individual brass barrels, tried a number of different things and all failed - apparently the setting of my lathe is not correct. So I gave up this and started turning brass masters for every barrel size (will be 4 or 5 different ones) and as it stands I will cast them from white metal and then paint.
Thanks, Greg, very nice of you!
Currently struggling with the cannon barrels. I wanted to turn individual brass barrels, tried a number of different things and all failed - apparently the setting of my lathe is not correct. So I gave up this and started turning brass masters for every barrel size (will be 4 or 5 different ones) and as it stands I will cast them from white metal and then paint.

G'day Janos
Are you going to open up some gun ports for the cannons?
Greg - I leave all gunports closed, cannons and barrels will only be installed on the gundeck, forecastle and poop-deck.
Love this ship. Its onze my wishlist. Gonna follow you. Great idea for the gunports. Do you also have andere easy way for knotting the ropes of the wand? Hurts a lot in my neck.
Amazing work! !!!hope tot reach That level 1 day if all my diseases wont stand in my way and get worse. Enyoing the building also. The wilhelm zu pferde is a big chalenge for me right now. So many options from internet and only the drawings without step by step picture book.
Some update about this slow build. The decks have now been re-planked. Gunport-frames made of square tubes, glued into position and thinned to the thickness of the primary planking. I also marked the frame positions (every second) on the hull to be able to create the right plank-pattern. Then I started outside planking. The material above the uppermost wale will be Swiss Pear and Pear Wood below it. The planking will consist of planks, the length of which is to scale (wales are in full length though). I am going to continue with the Swiss Pear planking up to the point that I can start carving and from there on these two things will happen concurrently. The bow section will be covered by 'strips' as opposed to the kit's deck planking. Some parts are already manufactured for this (as are gratings) and I will do the bow as soon as I reach its top with the planking.

what is the square tubing made of.Great build. Thanks
I made those tubes of pearwood strips, glued together. I am using pearwood for external hull planking as well as for deck furnitures, ladders, handrails and the like.
Pat: unfortunately I haven't got any quick method for the ratlines, they have to be individually knotted. For scales 1:200 and beyond I saw people simply glueing the straight ratline to the shrouds without knots. But this obviously does not work at bigger scales.
How do you make the carvings? Want to learn it step by step. Ik Need already aan lot of helpfull electrical equipment because of all my illnisses and its quite expensive. Ik have crohn. Reumatism. Hart problems. No hormones because of hypofyse in brains doesnt work good. Week bones because of all the medicines. So when i maken als Quick bent in break my ribs or feet. What is a good help for making carvings?in have a dremel.
Dremel is not good for carving. Too heavy, too quick and vibrates a lot. Micromotor is the way to go, even cheaper than Dremel, available on eBay.
There is a carving-specific section on this forum. I also plan to make step-by step description of the gingerbread carving, there are more than 500 of those on SoS.