Model Expo new warehouse.

Yes Corsair, let’s dust off those kits and start building them.
I already created a building log for the “Flattie”and they commissioned me for another three more small models that soon I will post them here.
First I have to finish a Sub Chaser that I am about to complete.
Were it that easy. :) I'm quickly moving into my retirement and when I retire, I'll be moving back to the Southeastern US. So, not much going on building wise right now. mostly packing. However, I am working on the Mantua battle station that I got for my father many years ago (about 30) that he started (barely). I still have a long way to go with that. :) Once I finish that I'll start on the ME Sultana. After that probably the ME Baltimore Clipper. :) Here is a few pics of the battle station.
Whenever I go back to the shop, I will take pictures of the Sultana we have in the showroom so you could have it as reference.
Thanks for the photo tour. Long time Model Expo customer and whishing them well.

Randy Erickson