Were it that easy. I'm quickly moving into my retirement and when I retire, I'll be moving back to the Southeastern US. So, not much going on building wise right now. mostly packing. However, I am working on the Mantua battle station that I got for my father many years ago (about 30) that he started (barely). I still have a long way to go with that. Once I finish that I'll start on the ME Sultana. After that probably the ME Baltimore Clipper. Here is a few pics of the battle station.Yes Corsair, let’s dust off those kits and start building them.
I already created a building log for the “Flattie”and they commissioned me for another three more small models that soon I will post them here.
First I have to finish a Sub Chaser that I am about to complete.
No hurry there. It will probably be several months before I get to it.Whenever I go back to the shop, I will take pictures of the Sultana we have in the showroom so you could have it as reference.
I noticed that you have built a few ME models.
Did you know that if you sent your photos of your ME finished models, they will publish it on their website?