Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack (Model Shipways) 1:24 by Roscoe

I have been working on my ship again. I have installed the eyebolt on the bow, the traveler, tiller, fairleads, installed and painted the trail boards, shaped and installed the bowsprit, made and installed the chainplates for the backstays according the the instructions, installed the cleats but choose not to paint them. I shaped the mast, boom, and gaff sanding to create the four square, then the eight square and finally using a vise to hold them and sanding them round. I have installed all the hardware on the mast, boom, and gaff according to the plans. I created the 7 stropping blocks. I am currently working on the sails.









I have been working on my ship again. I have installed the eyebolt on the bow, the traveler, tiller, fairleads, installed and painted the trail boards, shaped and installed the bowsprit, made and installed the chainplates for the backstays according the the instructions, installed the cleats but choose not to paint them. I shaped the mast, boom, and gaff sanding to create the four square, then the eight square and finally using a vise to hold them and sanding them round. I have installed all the hardware on the mast, boom, and gaff according to the plans. I created the 7 stropping blocks. I am currently working on the sails.

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Looking really good!
I have started my third model in the Model Shipways series, the lobster smack. I am home for the summer so I am unable to dedicate as much time to this hobby as I did over the winter so the posts may have some lapse between them. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot building the first two in this series so I am looking forward to building this one. I found challenges right out of the dock on step 1. The instructions state to use the the spine on sheet 2 but it did not look like the picture. I discovered the spine on sheet 5 was the one that matched the manual so thats what I choose to use.

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I also wanted to try to have a moveable centerboard so I annealed and bent the brass pull rod, and cut a piece for the pivot rod. Bending the loop and bending the 90 degree hook wasn't to bad but once the hook was in the centerboard be very careful bending it up to keep it in place. The centerboard is very thin and fragile and I almost broke it when my pliers slipped. it didn't break and when I put the opposite spine halves on the centerboard moves up and down as it should. I did find the slot in the spine that the hook uses was a little narrow so I used my exacto knife and a little sandpaper to enlarge one side of the slot. Again this is very thin fragile material so be gentle and patient. I installed the reinforcing pairs A,B,C and D without problems.

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Next were the bulkhead frames. I had a problem with #4. The slot for the reinforcing block B didn't seem deep enough to allow the halves to come together as I thought they should. I ended up enlarging the slot with a small file and this allowed it to fit better. I hope this was the proper thing to do, I will find out later I guess when I try to put the decking on.


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I noticed the same thing with #9, the slot seemed to short to allow the top of the frame flush with the top of the spine so I filed that deeper as well.. again I hope this was correct.

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I have glued the transom pieces together and frame #10 to the spine.

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I will be working on the cockpit seats next.
I found the same situation with Frame 4 on my build and applied the same solution as you.