I understand Fred is referring to the Niklas Eriksson book "Riksäpplet - Arkeologiska perspektiv på ett bortglömt regalskepp" published in 2017. On this book the author is referring to the Glete's work as a source of information about the model (page 105) when discussing the similarity to the Riksäpplet. Both Glete and Eriksson admit that the dimensions of the model were taken from the plan created in the 1930s by Hugo Åkermark. Now, when we have a 3D photogrammetric model, it is not very difficult to see that the plan does not portray the actual model very closely.
My version would be this:
Sheldon could use the enlarged ship of the 1654 group (Naseby) as a source when designing ships in Sweden. In that situation the Ö 3 may stand for a design proposal of a ship influenced by the Naseby (similar dimensions) but different (beakhead?, upper decks configuration, galleries). The Riksäpplet is a further modification of this concept with altered dimensions but similar decorations etc.