national maritime museum

French Service Historique Plans
The website has a collection of ship plans, including those from the French Service Historique 2. Unfortunately, the official website of the French Service Historique was hacked and has been offline for months 2.
French Service Historique Plans
The website has a collection of ship plans, including those from the French Service Historique 2. Unfortunately, the official website of the French Service Historique was hacked and has been offline for months 2.
then drawings are needed like these but with hull lines


getting better with more information


ok this is nice there are hull lines

steam launches started around 1850 and are still being built today so how far back can one go and still find drawings?

the epic center seems to be the UK then France were they built in Germany? very few in North America
there are 3 areas to research 1st drawings with hull lines and construction details 2nd the little steam engines drawings so a 3D molde can be made to print out the pieces and parts to make a mini kit of a static model 3rd boilers same as the engines
If you go to the "French Service Historique Plans" website and scroll past the German ships to paragraph labeled "French Service Historique Plans" and hit "Here" you will get a list of all late 19th century and early 20th century French warships. At the top are plans for different size oar/sail powered boats, near the bottom you'll find "Steam Launch", hit that and you will get drawings of a period steam launch along with details of the steam engine and the motor that drives the prop shaft. I am scratch building the Bouvet and am using these drawings to make my own drawings to have 3D printed boats made.

no luck can't find what you found this is all i get

cry uncle i give up after a 1/2 hour trying to find the "Steam Launch" drawings

drawings of French warships were released into the public domain by the French Ministère de la Défense in 2009! Unfortunately the original source is not available anymore
cry uncle i give up after a 1/2 hour trying to find the "Steam Launch" drawings

drawings of French warships were released into the public domain by the French Ministère de la Défense in 2009! Unfortunately the original source is not available anymore
Hi Dave , of that site there were about 550 warship designs. Frank
cry uncle i give up after a 1/2 hour trying to find the "Steam Launch" drawings

drawings of French warships were released into the public domain by the French Ministère de la Défense in 2009! Unfortunately the original source is not available anymore
I just checked ,the site works!!!They just had a short mantsnance!

i got there but from there where are these plans

If you go to the "French Service Historique Plans" website and scroll past the German ships to paragraph labeled "French Service Historique Plans" and hit "Here" you will get a list of all late 19th century and early 20th century French warships

I am currently building 3 live steam launches from the Victorian and Edwardian eras.

The Chatham Historic Dockyard houses the steam launch Osborne that served the Royal Yacht of the same name, their website has useful photos and blueprints including the general arrangement and the hull lines. If you can't find them I can send them to you. I built a 1/12 scale model several years ago and am currently building a live steam version at 1/10 scale.
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I recently completed a 1/8 scale live steam model of the Windermere launch Bat, which is I believe mouldering away in the Windermere museum suffering from lack of funds. IMHO it is the prettiest launch of any era. The only details I have are from Bonhams auction website, one of which is here, along with my model:

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I am also planning a live steam model at 1/13.5 scale of a Royal Navy Admiral's barge which dates from about 1920. There is a plan for this model published by Conway Maritime Press. There is a good reference book "Steam Picket Boats" which may be available from second-hand bookshops. This is a miniature model that I made about 20 years ago. Another very pretty boat.

View attachment 422410

It will be difficult if not impossible to get accurate drawings of steam plants of that era. For live steam installations I use the boiler/engine packages from China (AliExpress is your friend). I selected the boat designs because they can accommodate the steam plants that are available of the market. Each model is about 40" long.

Good luck with your research. I don't think the NMM is a good source for details of this type of vessel. A google search may identify several other websites that are more likely to contain details of launches of the era. I search "images" until I find something relevant and then hope to find a website of plans sites with more details.
Amazon has three copies of "Steam Picket Boats" on 21 Jan 2023
Sorry, my fault, I was trying to simplify the process for you. This is the long way around: go to the site. Hit "ship plans " in upper right corner, scroll past the German ships to the paragraph at the bottom labeled "French Service Historique Ship Plans". The last sentence says,"I have make the plans available here", Click on "here" which will open the plans. Steam launch is near the bottom of the list. When you open it you will get six plans with the last two being of the steam boiler and prop shaft motor.
i started looking through the drawings a lot of good stuff for anyone wnting to do a 3d printing of an engine room

i will spend tonight just looking through the files