New Member

n my opinion crimes against the ship modeling community is the loss of information by sites that go down, removal of entire build logs from forums, censorship of opinion and publications that get lost in cyber space.

Dave ,the information cannot be lost anymore because Donnie doing back up regulary

oh no I was not referring to SOS just in general how publications, sites and forums go away. This site is in fact a great place to archive information
This group was active for a few years with a good number of builders from around the world. We managed the Gros Ventre forum, website, a quarterly newsletter in several languages, etc…. all designed to form an international community of modelers who could, as a result, readily communicate and share there experiences building the same ship: it was a novel idea at the time. Meanwhile,

in my opinion crimes against the ship modeling community is the loss of information by sites that go down, removal of entire build logs from forums, censorship of opinion and publications that get lost in cyber space.

if you have any back up material from your site, publications etc it would be a benefit to the community if they are archives for future builders. We have the people and technology to bring it all back to life on the Navy board model site which is basically our archive and library.

Hi Dave and thank you.
I did find a few documents on line, such as the early newsletters from 2004/5 in French and English.
PS: by the way, after our email exchange last week, I did manage to recover the original set of plans I purchased many years ago for the OC .... so I am good to go on that side. I just had them re-scaled as this time I am going to build at the equivalent of 1/72. In any case, thank you for your help.
Hello Gilles,do you remember what was the exact web address of your forum?

Hi Zoltan and All,
My introduction post was just that, an introduction with a bit of background info.
FYI: there is a cleaned-up version of the transcript (well over 350 page word doc.) of the old forum in existence.
That was the past and like I said recalling it would be a very long, complicated and in many aspects, personal story: which is an area I would prefer to stay away from.
It is not that important to me anymore. What happened then, happened, it is time to start anew and it is long overdue.


Different from the transcript of the old forum.
But here is the link to 6 early newsletters published in 2004/5. PDF documents in French and English.

The content of the forum and the newsletters made this project very interesting and quite unique at the time. The first newsletter presents and introduces the project.
The whole thing was supposed to serve as a manual on scratch scale modelship building database. Yes, the subject was the construction of one ship but the technical information could be applied to any sailing vessels.
Everything was done in French and English but we also had an Italian contingent. It was a good way to connect different communities which at the time were worlds apart due to language restrictions. I do not think we had any social media and all of today's modes of communication back then.
Welcome aboard mate! It sure looks like you have what it takes. Glad you have decided to continue. Please post a build log when you get going.

Vince P. Ship-1
For everybody interested in this ship and the monographie of the Le GROS VENTRE made by our member @G. DELACROIX which is available from ancre you can find a detailed description here:

81953 81954


Hallo my dear friend Gilles,
we wish you all the Best and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birthday-Cake

Enjoy your Day