New publications by ancre - Newsletter

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Thomas, could you review the book later?​

Hallo Archis,
I expect my copy early next week, so during the holidays I will be able to make the review as usual.
Due to the fact, that I have the agreement with ancre, I will be able to show more ...... so stay tuned .....
Two days ago a new newsletter from ancre was distributed

In the following the new releases:

L Art de la Corderie - DUHAMEL du MONCEAU 1769​

“Treatise on Making Ropes for Ships”, or the “Art of Rope Making”, improved edition.
628 pages and 13-plate appendix.

l-art-de-la-corderie-duhamel-du-monceau-1769-.jpg l-art-de-la-corderie-duhamel-du-monceau-1769- (1).jpg

MANUSCRIT - Construction des vaisseaux - 1680​

The historical significance of the manuscript by François Coulomb, one of the most prestigious builders under the reign of the Sun King, is undeniably exceptional.
268-page in 23 x 15 cm format, with 12-plate appendix.


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THE FLEUR DE LIS - Louis XIV’s galleys 1690
Gérard Delacroix
Available in english
Disponibile in italiano
New: Plans available at scale 1/36 - 1/72.

la-fleur-de-lis-galere-1690.jpg la-fleur-de-lis-galere-1690 (1).jpg

PLANS AU 1/24 pour
La Machine à curer les ports

10 Planches au 1/24° (0.8 kg)
also now available in english language


PLANS AU 1/36 pour

V. Cie des Indes -1759.
32 Planches au 1/36° sans voilure (1.2 kg)


PLANS AU 1/36 pour

Navire marchand 1730
29 Planches au 1/36°sans voilure (1.1 kg)


Il Saint Philippe e i vascelli di prima classe da Luigi XIII a Luigi XIV
Patrick Villiers
traduzione di franco gregorio

Sono undici di primo rango e 22 di secondo grado nel 1672.
184 pagine con 150 foto o incisioni di cui 144 pagine a colori.


Diccionario de los términos y frases de marina 1899
Dictionnaire des termes et expressions de marine Espagnol – français – anglais
Antonio Terry y Rivas

Mas de 600 páginas de nombres y frases de terminología naval y marinera en general, con sus correspondencias en terminología francesa e inglesa.
Livre de 619 pages 15.5 X 23 cm Papier ivoire 90 grs




End of June we will get the possibility to buy a new and highly interesting monograph from ancre.

Monographie LA SAVOIE - 1896​

Author :Hubert Flatrès


This monograph is a representation of the 1896 barque Savoie built at the Belotte shipyard in Geneva (CH).
7 plates at the 1/50th or 1/36th scales with plans of the structure.

Available in ENGLISH on september 2021.
Subscription price available until 7/31/2021, 78 € thereafter.

It will be available in french released end of June, later also in spanish, italian and english language (here release planned for September)

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As usual - as soon I get my copy from ancre, I will make a planset review here in SOS

Do you know, that here in SOS you can find all - yes ALL monographs ever published by ancre in detailed planset reviews

Check it out:


End of June we will get the possibility to buy a new and highly interesting monograph from ancre.

Monographie LA SAVOIE - 1896​

Author :Hubert Flatrès

View attachment 236818

This monograph is a representation of the 1896 barque Savoie built at the Belotte shipyard in Geneva (CH).
7 plates at the 1/50th or 1/36th scales with plans of the structure.

Available in ENGLISH on september 2021.
Subscription price available until 7/31/2021, 78 € thereafter.

It will be available in french released end of June, later also in spanish, italian and english language (here release planned for September)

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As usual - as soon I get my copy from ancre, I will make a planset review here in SOS

Do you know, that here in SOS you can find all - yes ALL monographs ever published by ancre in detailed planset reviews

Check it out:

This kind of ships like the La Savoie was build and used for transport often of stone material with a very flat bottom

A replique is sailing, stationed at Evians at the Genfer See


Description on ancre- web-page:

The barques of lake Léman, atypical vessels of the XIXth century, marked the activity ion the lake for more tan a century. They participated actively in the construction of ports and buildings and in the transportation of goods around the Léman. At that time, it was a freight carrier.

The very unusual shape of this vessel is in fact, the body of a galiote with “apoustis” (platforms serving as gangways and overhanging the sides of the boat). We find many elements of the structure that were borrowed from the galleys and introduced on lake Léman by the Genoese in the XIIIth century. In spite of a vocabulary that is unique to these boats and is used by shipwrights and watermen, many words similar to those used on Mediterranean boats can be found.

On a request from the Duc de Savoie in 1671 Laurent Dental, a shipwright, invented the barque of the Léman.

The present monograph shows the barque Savoie that was built at the Belotte shipyard in Geneva (CH) in 1896.

The plans were drafted after a research for documents and pieces of information around the Léman, information from Pierre-André Reymond, a naval architect who built two barques : La Savoie and La Demoiselle with the assistance of André Lesnay, a member of the “Association des Amis du Musée National de la Marine”.
It will allow you to build an unusual model that exists nowhere else but on the Léman.

It is an elegant vessel in its shape, and simple to make for beginners because of the small number of elements of furniture.

The art of navigation under lateen sails is listed in the 2020 intangible heritage in France. Requests for listing are also in process in various European countries such as Spain, Italy, Croatia and lately Switzerland which regroups the lateen sails of Franco-Swiss Alpine lakes.

Book in full color that includes :
I. The history of the barques of the Léman by Michel Pittaco, past president of the “Mémoire du Léman”.
II. The construction of the barque Savoie by Pierre-André Reymond, naval achitect for the barques Savoie and Demoiselle.
III. Search for the plans of La Savoie 1896 and examination of the models at the Musée du Chablais at Thonon-les-Bains.
IV. Plate, color photos of the !/10th scale model by Marcel Moine.
V. Detailed commentaries providing useful explanations about the plates and nomenclature for the furniture and the rigging.

List of the plates
I. Definition of the hull - planking - front and stern views
II. Definition of the hull – waterlines
III. Detail of the frames
IV. Sections and deck structure
V. Lengthwise section and deck layout
VI. Plans of the masts and sails – furniture
VII. The 1896 barque Savoie under sail
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a new interesting publication is under preparation and soon on the way -

It is a more historical basic book, but in my point of view very interesting.
And it will give some additional knowledge and understanding for the Jean Boudriot monograph of the L'AURORE - navire négrier / slave ship - 1784

SLAVE TRADE and SLAVE SHIPS in the XVIIIth century


Book format: 22 x 31 cm, 160 colour pages including over 200 period illustrations.
Ship log of the Licorne from Bordeaux
Available in September 2021 in English.
Disponible le 30 Juin 2021 en Francais

Author :
Patrick VILLIERS translation by GILLES KORENT (our member @Gilles Korent )


They were named Licorne, Marie-Séraphique, Olympe, Aurore and Artibonite. They were sailing the Indian Ocean or the Atlantic to the Antilles to supply France, and the European ports, with these colonial products, which consumption was growing in the cities. But human cargo was piling up high between decks and on deck for the production of these indispensable new riches.

From 1595 to 1866, no less than 27 235 European slave ship expeditions were launched across the Atlantic: of all these expeditions, 3 343 were attributed to French vessels.

What was the slave ship like, how was a slave trade campaign organized, what were the routes followed and the trading sites used, what were the composition and the importance of the cargo to trade and why were there so many weapons to trade?

Patrick Villiers, distinguished university professor in maritime history, five-time prizewinner of the “Académie de Marine”, brings us a few answers supported by archival documents. Slave trade journals are exceedingly rare. The commented publication of the ship log of the Licorne from Bordeaux, which departed for Mozambique in 1788, allows us to further our knowledge in this traffic of human beings, who’s only fault was to have a black skin.


Book format: 22 x 31 cm, 160 colour pages including over 200 period illustrations.

Table of content:

- The slave trade in the XVIIIth century, a commerce like all others, blessed by the church and encouraged by the Kingdom, but so vital to our colonies.
II- The French trade in the XVIIIth century, through the example of the port of Nantes.
III- Facing Nantes: the menace from Bordeaux.
IV- Trading sites in Africa, from the Atlantic coast to the Mozambique canal.
V- The Licorne and the types of slave ships, 1763 – 1790.
VI- Food, health and hygiene aboard slave ships, an exemplary captain: Joseph Brugevin.
VII- In search of slave trade profits.
VIII- Trade of Blacks and guns for the trade: the French case.
IX- Joseph Brugevin, from being captain of the Aventurier to being captain of the Licorne, 1769-1787 and colonial arming from Bordeaux in 1787.

List of ships that left from Bordeaux in 1787 for the Antilles, the African coast, the Isle of France and Mozambique.

X- Ship log of the Licorne from Bordeaux.

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Synopsis in french language:

Ils s’appelaient la Licorne, la Marie-Séraphique, l’Olympe, l’Aurore, ou l’Artibonite. Ils naviguaient dans l’océan Indien ou l’Atlantique vers les Antilles pour rapporter en France, puis dans les ports européens, ces denrées coloniale dont la consommation était en plein essor dans les villes mais dans l’entrepont et sur le pont s’entassaient les cargaisons humaines indispensables pour produire ces nouvelles richesses.

De 1595 à 1866, au moins 27 235 expéditions de navires négriers européens ont été lancées à travers l’Atlantique dont 3 343 faites par des navires français.

Qu’elle était la réalité du navire négrier, comment s’organisait une campagne de traite, quels étaient les routes et les lieux de traite, quelle était la composition et l’importance de la cargaison de traite, pourquoi tant d’armes à échanger ?

Patrick Villiers, professeur émérite des universités en histoire maritime, cinq fois lauréats de l’Académie de Marine, se propose d’apporter quelques réponses en s’appuyant sur les documents d’archives. Les journaux de traite sont très rares. La publication commentée du Journal de bord de la Licorne de Bordeaux, partie au Mozambique en 1788, permet de compléter la connaissance ce trafic d’êtres humains dont le seul défaut était d’avoir la peau noire.


- La traite des esclaves au XVIIIe siècle, un commerce comme les autres, béni par l’Eglise et encouragé par la royauté, mais surtout indispensable à nos colonies
II - La traite française au XVIIIe siècle à travers l’exemple nantais
III - Face aux Nantais, la menace bordelaise
IV - Les sites de traite en Afrique de la côte atlantique au canal du Mozambique
V - La Licorne et les types de navires négriers 1763-1790
VI - Nourriture, hygiène et santé à bord des négriers un capitaine exemplaire Joseph Brugevin
VII - A la recherche du profit des négriers
VIII - Traite des noirs et fusils de marine et de traite, le cas français
IX - Joseph Brugevin, du commandement de l’Aventurier au commandement de la Licorne 1769-1787 et les armements coloniaux de Bordeaux en 1787 d’après les congés
Index des bâtiments partis de Bordeaux en 1787 pour les Antilles, la côte d’Afrique, l’Isle-de-France et le Mozambique
X - Journal du vaisseau la Licorne de Bordeaux

The Planset Review of Jean Boudriot monograph of the L'AURORE - navire négrier / slave ship - 1784 you can find here:



a new interesting publication is under preparation and soon on the way -

It is a more historical basic book, but in my point of view very interesting.
And it will give some additional knowledge and understanding for the Jean Boudriot monograph of the L'AURORE - navire négrier / slave ship - 1784

SLAVE TRADE and SLAVE SHIPS in the XVIIIth century

View attachment 237801

Book format: 22 x 31 cm, 160 colour pages including over 200 period illustrations.
Ship log of the Licorne from Bordeaux
Available in September 2021 in English.
Disponible le 30 Juin 2021 en Francais

Work on the English translation is in progress.
And indeed... a very interesting book. It will stand on its own because of its historical value. But as Uwe said, it will also be a perfect complement to the older monograph written by J. Boudriot as it gives ample extra background information on the subject.

Work on the English translation is in progress.
And indeed... a very interesting book. It will stand on its own because of its historical value. But as Uwe said, it will also be a perfect complement to the older monograph written by J. Boudriot as it gives ample extra background information on the subject.

Hallo Gilles,
stay concentrated on the translation works - September is coming soon ;)
The latest newsletter from ancre arrived, with some very interesting new pulications

1) Monographie LA SAVOIE - 1896
by Hubert Flatrès


already available in french for 70 €. (later 78 Euro)

italien - espagnol from 20/07/2021
and English 01/09/21

2) SLAVE TRADE and SLAVE SHIPS in the XVIIIth century
by Patrick VILLIERS


Available in french for 39 €.
Available in September 2021 in English

3) Supplément 9 plans au 1/72e de navires négriers 1776-1845 available for 26 Euro

L’Iris-Hancok, frégate,1776-1788
Olympe, trois mâts, 1789-1793
Segunda Teresa, brick , 1828- 1840
Dos Amigos, brick, 1830-1845
Diligente, brick, 1836- 1840

traite-des-noirs-et-navires-negriers-au-xviiie-siecle (1).jpg

LIris-Hancok, 1776-1788, 700 tonneaux, frégate américaine prise par les Anglais puis les Français, armée en négrier de la Rochelle 1783-1788.
3 plans, plan profil et coupe, plan intérieur frégate, et plan intérieur négrier.

, trois mâts négrier de Nantes 1789-1793, 300 tonneaux, construit à Nantes, armé pour les Antilles puis négrier au Mozambique.
1 plan avec la voilure.

Segunda Teresa,
brick négrier espagnol, gréé en brick goélette, 1828- 1840, 144 tons, construit à Philadelphie en 1828, pris 1831, racheté comme yacht. Revendu 1839, rebaptisé Xarifa (image en haut de cette page).
1 plan profil et coupe.

Dos Amigos
puis Fair Rosamond négrier espagnol gréé en brick goélette, 1830-1845, 172 tons, construit aux Antilles, pris en 1830 et en service dans la Royal Navy de 1830 à 1845.
1 plan profil et coupe et 1 plan de voilure.

, négrier portugais, gréé en brick goélette, 1836- 1840, 305 tons, construit aux USA, pris deux fois en 1837 et 1839. Un des négriers les plus rapides de son temps.
(En couverture : aquarelle par le lieutenant Henry Samuel Hawker qui servit à bord)
1 plan profil et coupe et 1 plan de voilure.

4) Reprint:
Allard - 1719
229 figures dans le texte et 20 planches hors texte.


see attachment .....

5) Reprint:
Missiessy Quiès

L’arrimage des vaisseaux est un ouvrage de 171 pages en 150gr ivoireau format: 250 x 200 mm.
- 6 planches hors texte au format : 550 x 250 mm et 57 tableaux.


6) Drawing set of
LE REQUIN - Chébec: 1750
18 Plans in new scale 1/36


7) Drawing set of
LA CREOLE - Corvette - 1823
14 Plans in new scale 1/36




Coming soon ! WOW :eek:

Hallo Oliver,
yes I guess you have this information by Sorolla in the spanish forum, where he is talking about it.

I am in the meantime in contact with Didier Berti from ancre, in order to get some more detailed informations. What he sent to me until now is this

Monogr. La MAHONESA Frégates espagnoles 1789 - A. SOROLLA
£ Français £ Anglais £ Italien £ Espagnol au 1/48e (2.9 kg) (135 € 2021) ..... 145 €
£ Français £ Anglais £ Italien £ Espagnol au 1/36e (3.4 kg) (165 € 2021) ..... 175 €
£ Français £ Anglais £ Italien £ Espagnol au 1/72e (2.5 kg) (133 € 2021) ..... 143 €

and...... the english versions will be available already end of this year !!!!!
Only a small note, but for some members maybe of importance

Ancre published already the release of the new yearly calendar for 2022


three examples of the 12 pages

calendrier-mural-ancre-2022 (1).jpg calendrier-mural-ancre-2022 (2).jpg calendrier-mural-ancre-2022 (3).jpg

Dimensions: 30 x 21cm. Edited on a thick paper 250 grs ; 13 exclusive photos on exceptional models:

List of models:

MAHONESA 34-gun Spanish frigate - 1789 - Adrian Sorolla
L’AURORE CORVETTE of 1766 - Alberto Cosentino
BONHOMME RICHARD - 1779 - Alain Bertrand
GEMMA Tartane from 1863 - Daniel Forlan

By the way:
1) If you order from ancre until 31st January 2022 an order over 150 Euro -> you will get such a copy of the calendar for free
2) I am happy to see already the new spanish frigate Mahonesa in the Calendar
3) Did you realize? HMS Surprise !!!!
-> so what can we here expect in the near and further future from ancre?

But I guess, that it is the captured French corvette Unité, so ancre will stay with french ships in their monographs

Alain´s BHR is a spectacle !!!
I completely agree! Also very special for this ship - the model is built in scale 1:36 so more than 1,80 meter long!

and maybe somebody would like to have this model in your living room - The model is for sale!!!
and in my opinion for a very reasonable price of 25.000 Euro directly from the modeler..... 4.000 working hours
Hello. Subscription for the new monograph by Ancre, "La Mahonesa", a Spanish frigate from 1789, is already available:
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