New to this hobby

Hi Marty, I have the same "problem" with glues. There are so many and I have to find out what kind fits best for me. For the deck planking white glue was not working for me because it took so long to dry and I accidently shifted around planks. I did it with contact glue and destroyed a hand full of panks but there were enough in the kit. I don't know the yellow white glue but this seams to dry much faster. At the moment I think UHU hart is the ideal glue for the deck planking for me.

I have bought my first wooden model ship to build and have a quick question. I am building the Occre Polaris and wondering if white wood glue is okay for deck planking. Instructions say contact glue but would prefer to use something that would allow time for small adjustments . Any advice would be great, thanks in advance.
Aileen's Tacky Glue Fast Grab version. Just used it to lay my "Flying Cloud" deck pictured in "Flying Cloud kit bash. Grabs and holds but allows time to adjust. Soluble in rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol.
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Yes…the glue question. Everyone has their go to glue and no one is wrong. I can only suggest what I now use on my models and on the last several ship models I have built. First I use what is called a fast tack quick dry hobby glue. My favorite is Aleene’s Tacky glue found mostly in fabric and craft stores or online from Amazon (of course). It has a fast tack which holds parts in place yet allows for shifting, dries more quickly than regular wood PVA glues, and dries clear. My go to glue. I then use a variety of CA glue. CA comes in several viscosities each having an application purpose. There is normally thin, medium, thick, and gel CA. The thin CA is good for placing a part then wicking the CA between the two part surfaces. I use the gel CA perhaps more often. Thin CA will wick into raw wood quickly not giving time to adhere parts. Use gel CA and it doesn’t wick as quick and therefore you can place and hold the part for adhesion. What do I use for hull and deck planking? For decks I use the tacky PVA glue...decks are flat with no stress on the planks. For hull planking I use a combination of both depending on the severity of the curve of the hull I am dealing with. For flat runs I can use the tacky glue. For more severe curves I use CA gel. This is my experience and what I use now…tacky hobby PVA and CA thin and gel.
it seems to me that PVA pops up the most.
Yes…but not all pva’s are equal. Some wood glue pva’s that are commonly used in modeling take a long time to tack and dry and actually work best when the parts are clamped until dry. They are excellent wood glues but not necessarily good glues for modeling. So just be discerning about which PVA to settle on for your model.
also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum.
Wow - you got already so much hints and tips - a great forum with great members
Yes…but not all pva’s are equal. Some wood glue pva’s that are commonly used in modeling take a long time to tack and dry and actually work best when the parts are clamped until dry. They are excellent wood glues but not necessarily good glues for modeling. So just be discerning about which PVA to settle on for your model.
yes, i'm beginning to find that out danielsje.

for what it's worth the main glue that i have settled on is 'Selleys Fix&Go PVA Glue for Wood & Craft'. it seems to be working OK so far but then i've only done the hull, ribs and decking; a long way to go.
