Hello everyone, first time on the post of Shipsofscale. Let me introduce myself. My name is Massimo and I was working in engineering for about 45 years and now enjoying retirement. I am also a professional model maker, having worked for many years in the architectural model making professionally as well..I enjoying making tall ships for many years from scratch and research. The reason I am writing this is that I have been commissioned to build the Bluenose II. I will start the building of the schooner in the middle of January. In the meantime I am doing a lot of research’s and collecting photos of the Bluenose II as it is now anchored in Lunemburg NS. I did contact ‘Dalhousy’ university library archives where all of the Bluenose drawings are stored. I am also in talks with the Bluenose official page office regarding measurements of various items on the schooner not ever put on paper. In short I found that there are a lot that has changed (i mean a lot) between the drawings and the Bluenose II in existance today. Today kits do not represent what in reality is in existance. Oh by the way I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Hallo @massimotocco
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Hallo @massimotocco
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Hello Massimo, Happy Birthday, we hope that you had a great day and that you also got the biggest piece of cake. Do check out the SOS , YQ-Bluenose builds Logs, they do have a vast amount of information. Looking forward to seeing your Build Log start.
Regards Lawrence