Also you can go to Facebook on the Bluenose official site. There are tons of photos where you can see the difference...By the way there are drawings in the university archives that reflects the new Bluenose II and you can see that they are different from what is now there in Lunemburg. It all depends on what you want to build....example: there are 6 cowl vents on the deck (nowhere sizes to be found), the windlass is now in front of the foremast, is an electrical one, not a mechanical as in the old schooner, and no mention of what manufacture and model no. The main cabin entrance on the stern side is much bigger not to mention all colour change and 3 round windows where in the previous there were 4. The wheel is now many changes to mention...anyway I hope I was of help...I am not going into kits, as I always built from drawings acquired from different European museums. Take care and good build
Also you can go to Facebook on the Bluenose official site. There are tons of photos where you can see the difference...By the way there are drawings in the university archives that reflects the new Bluenose II and you can see that they are different from what is now there in Lunemburg. It all depends on what you want to build....example: there are 6 cowl vents on the deck (nowhere sizes to be found), the windlass is now in front of the foremast, is an electrical one, not a mechanical as in the old schooner, and no mention of what manufacture and model no. The main cabin entrance on the stern side is much bigger not to mention all colour change and 3 round windows where in the previous there were 4. The wheel is now many changes to mention...anyway I hope I was of help...I am not going into kits, as I always built from drawings acquired from different European museums. Take care and good build
This kit is the original Bluenose not the Bluenose II,to me looks like there are some confusion going on here
Where is the confusion?....You’re are building from a kit the Bluenose (the original the box says?). How do you know you’re building what was once a schooner that does not exist anymore and that there are no drawings (original to be found). If you’re satisfied with the kit good for you.
Where is the confusion?....You’re are building from a kit the Bluenose (the original the box says?). How do you know you’re building what was once a schooner that does not exist anymore and that there are no drawings (original to be found). If you’re satisfied with the kit good for you.
I am not building the kit,I do not have it either,I am going to wait for Heinrich to reply about the Bluenose
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For the original Bluenose, there is only one tattered old drawing left of the Hull Lines in the Nova Scotia Archives. They do not include the revisions made during the actual build of the schooner. The Eisnor drawings, which are to my understanding are said to "perhaps" be the most accurate drawings of the schooner as it was launched and readied for its first season on the fishing banks (a requirement in order to enter the Fisherman's Trophy races). These drawings have gone through several minor revisions over the years as new information became available to Eisnor up to and until his death in 2008.

There are at least three sets of original drawings in existence that I'm aware of for the Bluenose II. One used for the build of the original Bluenose II (the Roue family also have a copy of these) The as built drawings of the original Bluenose II by L.B. Jenson (probably the most accurate for modeling if you are lucky enough get your hands on a set as they are becoming rare), and then the drawings for the current Bluenose II. All are quite different in their own respect.

When it comes to modeling drawings....wellll....the sky's the limit. Every manufacturer seem to have their own vision of what the schooner looked like and more often than not conflict with reality. However that is a for profit field so you would expect that as with any model. Anything to keep the costs down. :)
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Where is the confusion?....You’re are building from a kit the Bluenose (the original the box says?). How do you know you’re building what was once a schooner that does not exist anymore and that there are no drawings (original to be found). If you’re satisfied with the kit good for you.
In this case - how does any modeler building a kit or building from scratch - know that the plans that he is basing his work on, are correct.? None of these ships exist and there are so many discrepancies to be found in the interpretation of even "original" plans that we are all just playing a calculated guessing game.

If you are building Bluenose II and there are so many changes between the drawings and the ship that exists today - how much more so with the original Bluenose?

@Winston I believe that Winston has offered the best answer on the subject and I concur with that.
Another factor to consider when it comes to the original Bluenose and I've seen it mentioned here somewhere, is, what version are you building? The one for the fishing grounds or the one that was racing. They were quite different.

For the Bluenose II there are some images on the MSB site of two outstanding models being build based on the Jenson drawings by Mr. Kenneth Murphy of Sackville, Nova Scotia. They were taken back in 2008 or so. At the time he was some 2500 hours into the build of one model. We talk about tree nails. His model contained over 19,000 of them. I don't know if I could go that far! :-)
Well Heinrich I put the above text into DeepL and they came up with "Merry Christmas from Far Clear Models to everyone! Beer is very much appreciated by everyone! Thank you Mr. Heinrich for all you have done for us!
I think that is an even better translation.
:p :p
Dear All

Even though my good friend @zoly99sask said that the Most Popular Topics on SOS is not strictly according to the number of hits (which I still find incredulous, Zoly), Bluenose continues to dominate the "randomly selected, software HIT LIST".

Congratulations: @Peter Voogt ; @DonRobinson ; @Brewbrarian (Eric) ; and @MM2CVS9 (Eugene) for dominating the charts! This is now the 6th week running !!!

start the car, start the car ( Ikea joke), package arrived today ,front doorstep, only the delivery guys shirt tail disappearing down the street. so great now I can join in the fun. Only question is, do I put the "Dandy II" tuna boat on the shelf, build the BN, or complete the Dandy II or do them both at he same time. Seems I read about this dilema here a few times already. Regardless this is going to be great fun. Thanks again Heinrich and YQ.
Oh such a delima on what ship to build.

I can remember when I started, I bought the AL Cutty Sark kit, way beyond my abilities of the time, but it was special ordered and buyer back out, so store owner "made me an officer I couldn't refuse" as the Godfather would say.

She now sits waiting for her turn down the road.
@Wallaceallan A Delightful Dilemma indeed. I am very happy to hear that she has arrived. Why not build them both at the same time? The only problem is - once you start on Bluenose, it gets addictive very quickly!
Which is why my BN box remains shut. I’m starting the masts on the Cazador. The rigging is going to be one big headache with the lateen sails...sigh! It uses toggles everywhere! And up to 4-5 pulleys for one shroud line! I fear if I start the BN it will never get ;)