Hello Knut, Sorry for the mix up in the jig, that was not suppose to happen. In your building jig, take your time and only go up to the line, this will make things much easier later on in your build, the extra effort now is well worth the trouble, ENJOY.Lawrence, I thought you had to make a new one, but it's a good thing you didn't have to.
As you see in my last post I am doing it now, I am happy with the result so far.
Good luck, greetings-
Hello John, I was just about to send you a PM as I was wondering what happened to you. I do not Browse the Forms like I should, will have to make a better effort to do so. Thanks for all of the likes, that was very nice of you. Yes the Oliver Cromwell is a very enjoyable ship to build. I have started the outer hull planking, the lower side is a bit of a pain, but then again I am in no hurry, say hello to your Admiral, ENJOY.Wow Lawrence you are really steaming along, all your fittings are great, I'm going to go back through your log to catch up,
Best regards John,
Hello Knut, I thank you very much for your very kind words and comments. The cut Wales Planks on the Port side are where I will add the Cut Outs for viewing the inside of the ship, the Starboard side will be fully planked and finished, ENJOY.Nice work Lawrence, Questions, what is the plan for dividing the lower Wales plank, port side ?, BDW, pretty wood type you use.
Thank you Knut, yes this part of my Oliver Cromwell build has been very interesting and also fun at the same time, ENJOY.Lawrence, this looks really good.
Hello Knut, thanks you very much for your [ Tommel opp ] that was very nice of you. Have started the second Bulkhead, lots of fun, ENJOY.Lawrence, this looks really good.Tommel opp
Hello Jim. Thank you very much for your very kind words and nice comments. Yes I do like to add a bit of detail, those doors were a bit fixity and just think I have another set to build. ENJOY.I think, those small projects make a model alive, even if it required an extra time, it worth every extra minute to spendYou did a great job on the bulked doors