Painting with wood MIDWEST FLATIE

Jan 9, 2013

Hi all, this build is something different it is not original to me it was first done on MSB by Mario Rangel, I got this kit on ebay for loke $5.00 dollars as a Christmas gift for my niece ( CHRISTMAS 2019) it is a very simple build should not take me over 3 or for days at the most WRONG it has been 2 weeks what I am doing is using different woods like some very different types then what is normally used (ROSEWOOD, REDGUM, HOLLY AND REDMAPLE ALONG WITH SOME BOXWOOD, all cortsy of DAVE STEVENS AT THE LUMBER YARD) I then made my own parts aside from the hull structure itself, also I did this to get a lot of expeience on my POOR MANS THICKNESS SANDER wit some really excellent results taken some resawn 5/8 inch material and getting it down to 1/16 inch, even though I already have the corect sizes I wanted to get the experience of thickness sanding, there is a formal name to this process and it starts with an A but I have forgotten it so it is pAINTING WITH WOOD the bottom planks are CHERRY, the SIDE PLANKS are HOLLY, the deck IS RED GUM transom ROSEWOOD, and have more to do, here are some pictures to bshow the different types of wood before using TUNG OIL as described by JIM20190501_180835[4646].jpg20190501_180923[4645].jpg20190501_181317[4644].jpg20190501_182042[4641].jpg20190501_181635[4651].jpg20190501_181541[4643].jpg20190501_181635[4642].jpg20190501_180923[4645].jpg
THANKS GUYS, as I said before the I have used tung oil as per Jims instruction and the parts will be dry tomorrow and I will start putting it together there are still some parts to be made the cabin roof and hatches, while on the subjec does any one know if this type of boat done during its timeline had solid hatches or strip hatches that we are all familar with the model has the hatches solid but I do not think that is correct. Don
Here is an update on this little project, and also showing what lack of planning even on this simple projectcan happen(NOTHING SERIOUS JUST A LITTLE MORE WORK) it concerns the picture showing the bulkheads that are going to be exposed, this project is to me about a couple of things being all wood to be thickness sanded on my poor mans thickness sander, and no paint the deck bottom planks and side planks along with the cocpit floor have one coat of tung oil, do not know if I should use another coat or just some wipe on poly, what about it all also showing a piece of pear wood started out at 3/16 inch, now at 3/64 inch this is for the cabin roof, please any thoughts on this PLEASE COMMENT, ALSO SHOWING MY LITTLE HELPER his name is Moses named by my GRANDSONS

I have a question on this the plans and pictures show the hatches as one solid piece is that corect is are they made up of planks. THANKS AGAIN Don
Hi Don, Frames of the hatches formed by the hatch coaming, into which the hatch cover was set. On the warships, these covers consisted of Gratings (build from multiple planks). while on merchant ships they were on solid timber. They could be flat, curved half-barrel shaped...etc.
Thanks Jim, I am going to do it that way, the comings will be Rosewood the hatch will be Boxwood, then tung oil and finally wipe on ploy, almost finished i am liking the way it is going, so far, part of this exercise besides the different woods was to use my tools to get familar with them, my poor mans thickness sander is getting a workout as i am using it for all the woods weather i have them or not i have gotten items down to 3/64 inch, from 1/4 inch, and the use of my band saw also, cutting small strips, i was always under the assuption that the band saw would tear thin materials apart not so smooth cuts, because now the band saw blade is fluttering i need to get the stuff from CARTERS do not remeber what kind of bearings i was supposed to get, looking forward to getting back to my blandford and finishing up on the gunboat philadelphia. AGAIN THANKS Don
Hi Don, you show us a classic example of what a fan project is all about! it doesn't really matter how easy\complicated the build. As long as you having fun building. And I can honestly say - she is coming along pretty nice.