People and Patience


Staff member
Forum Moderator
Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
For what ever reason, it seems my patience with people is getting less each day. I feel like all I do is watch after a kindergarten of grown adults. It seems my professional life has taken a turn as well. I am a professional engineer in broadcasting. The operators of equipment do not come and get me anymore to fix things. They try to figure it out all on their own and when they do, it is so screwed up, then it takes forever to back track what they have done. Its a mess. Seems for some reason that I do not have the respect like I used to at work. Not sure what brought this about. This also seems to carry over to other things as well. Maybe as I am getting older, my perception of things are changing. The so called millenial crowd has no concept of respect of grownups at all. This also causes conflicts at work. I am wondering do any of you experience the same thing?
and cannot be bothered anymore with disagreeable people.
It's like folks just do not have any sense anymore - constantly doing stupid stuff and stupid things. I am letting this get to me and it is starting to cause me some depression. Trying to manage the forum is not as fun to me as it used to be.
the older you get the more of life you experience it is called wisdom or on the streets "been there done that"
like you said

"I feel like all I do is watch after a kindergarten of grown adults"

i saw it years ago and walked away from the madding crowd, rise above it and move forward

The so called millennial crowd has no concept of respect of grownups at all.

and why would you even want respect from a crowd of young, inexperienced children with little common sense?
true respect comes from those ahead of you not those behind you.

we all went through the rights of passage everyone of us has to experience life for ourselves and not take the word of someone else. You have to see it and feel it and live it.

i can sit and tell you how i built a 650 Triumph motorcycle from the frame up built it for speed and got on it and rode from cleveland to the country at 100 miles an hour. but you can never feel it or live it unless you do it for yourself.
They try to figure it out all on their own let them ride.

This also causes conflicts at work. I am wondering do any of you experience the same thing?

i did, but now i don't care i look ahead and what i can now accomplish.. don't look back or you will turn to a pillar of salt.
Keep up the good work, Donnie, don't let yourself distracted from the more important things. Sometimes everyone of us gets more difficult than he/she should be but this is just part of the life experience. The world just does not want to get any better these days (and this is a huge understatement) but we've got just one chance and we have to make it as much tolerable as we can.
Hello Donnie, and the otters.
I am happy with your post and the reply’s! Happy, because now I know it is a problem all over the world.
I will call it a generaties-conflict. When you try to help ‘a yougster’ and want to explain something, the answer is mostly: “I already know.” I am glad I had the ability to stop working.
And it is perhaps a problem of this digital age. Your thoughts are between your thumbs. Don’t think to long about what comes up in your mind, just shout and post tweet it.

My solution: keep on breathing, take some coffe and do what you like te do: keep on building on your model(s) and make some post.
In the Netherlands we say: “Portion smart is half smart”.
Regards, Peter
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I am one of those old farts who tends to try and do something about disagreeable people. If they are young, I attempt to educate them. If they are old, I attempt to show them some facts and let them make up their own minds. At 62, what I see more and more these days are people who neither want to learn nor accept facts. They just want to be in charge. Oh well. I find here at SoS there is a lot of respect, learning, and common interests.

It grinds my gears to remember the day the FCC took away my hard-earned 1st Phone ticket and replaced it with a "general radiotelephone" that never expires. They did the same thing with the ham tickets. Some of us had to pass a 20wpm Morse and written elements in front of FCC examiner.
Hams nowadays think they are doing something great if they can unbox a rig; they have no idea how to make an antenna and matching network.

Ship modeling and learning guitar I can do in the shop and forget about everything else.
donnie you look into the young crowd and see in general they have no respect for your knowledge and experience.

this is true in everything even here within the ranks of the membership there are those who do not stop and think of the time and work that goes into this, they think you have a magic wand you just wave it and poof it's done.

i spent almost 30 years in commercial art and you did not get into the field without a 4 year apprenticeship with a journeyman willing to take you on as a student.
So Donnie when you look into the young crowd there may be only 1 in a 100 worth you attention, let the rest go. When i first met Harold Hahn his first words were "if i don't see the raw talent and willingness to work and a commitment, then you are wasting my time and effort" go away son you bother me.
don't waste you time on trying to change the masses

nature wasted nothing

everything you have done and will do flows into the Universal mind or universal consciousness a generation does not have to reinvent the wheel they build on what came before. If you think the up coming people are taking the easy way skipping over details well they are because YOU laid the ground work.
Donnie I am 68 and took my retirement 3y ago

You are right about the less then 30y I was a electrical motor control specialist with 40y experience and those young pub where coming and after 3y they where thinking that they know everything and do not have nothing to learn. And when you show them where they make mistake in place of learning they did have resentment.

Do not know for you guy in the state or other country but yes most of them (and we as a society are responsible for that) do not respect people that do have the experience that do have learn the hard way. Now it is now-now-now, they do not really care about quality for the work they do or the durability, they do not want to take the time. It is broken so just replace it same as personal relation at work or at home. Problem at work just change, go to another place why give respect to the old schmock that do want to teach them how to work properly.

My last 3y at work was like you not very pleasant but I did have my revenge as now they did have to replace me 3time in 3y by young pub that make all kind of mistake did not want to learn properly and did fast mediocre work, and when the pressure is to high they just quite. So look forward for your retirement and think with a smile at the lost of experience they will loose:D
Thank you ALL for your kind words - right on to everyone,
In TV and Radio Broadcasting, just like JBFord and Charles mentioned: I HAD to be licensed from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), then all that pride (good pride) was taken away when FCC deregulated everything. Now, you can drag ANYONE off the streets and there is zero accountability.

I am NOT an expert on 3D cad, BUT I do 2D cad professionally at my office by keeping up with schematics and drawing documentation on how all the transmitters and radio and TV are laid out. I CANNOT for the life of my get anyone interested in CAD up here where I work. Dang, I remember back when I was about mid 40s, I was eager to learn new things. The people now days are not eager to learn anything. So, in about 1 1/2 to 2 years when I retire, I do not know what is going to happen. Our technical department is literally falling apart as the head office does not see the value of us anymore. This is so depressing to me - I just can deal with it seeing our technical department dissolve right before my eyes. We went from 36 transmitter Engineers down to 3 !!!!!! In 4 to 5 years, all of our tech staff will be gone (retiring) and no one is making any plans to replace. Stupid. I have suggested our leader to go to local community colleges to woo the new kids into this industry. But our pay scale / salary sucks. Oh well, sorry for my little rant. I hope you all won't ban me for complaining ---- LOL

I am very happy to have ship "Engineers" here as this is really what we all are "Ship Engineers"
Todays biggest problems are they are a throw away society, they don't keep and fix things, just buy new and who cares about the old stuff.

The biggest issue I have with todays young crowd is they think they are right because they saw it on social media or the net. They don't bother to verify or check out the truth of what is being said or told to them, they just believe it all and refuse to change there thoughts and minds when you prove them wrong or ask them for facts to prove point.

To paraphrase one of our young east coast politicians "I don't care if it's right or correct, it is what I think and that makes it right"

Just hope they don't get reelected again.
We all have disappointments - which leads to anger, then depression, and it seems like a vicious cycle - The key is how we view the disappointments and letdowns. I can either let myself down by doing something stupid or something outside my influence can cause problems. You would think that being in control of everything in your life will eliminate this, but it doesn't. It seems to make some matters worse as we realize we do not have as much control over things as we wish.

For instance, I had a great train of thought while I was writing this right now --- a family member comes into the door from work and sees me typing away at this post....walks up to me while I am in my home/office and while I am busy typing out this sentence and they just asked me a question about a neighbor - (knowing full well that I am right in the middle of typing and concentrating). Now, if I saw that someone was very busy typing something on a computer (word doc) or something and was in heavy concentration, I would quietly move back and excuse myself as to not interrupt the person's train of thought. So, therefore, this causes me much grief as now I can not remember not one thing I was going to say.

As others have family, how do you handle such issues as these? This causes me disappointment as I cannot remember now what I wanted to say, which leads to being frustrated, then I get depressed as I cannot remember anything of what I wanted to say. This is a real-life situation that I face and it might seem VERY insignificant to someone reading this, but I get worried about myself as I am getting to the point that I can not remember things. I do not know if I am overloaded with office duties, forum problems, or what??? There are some things that I do not find enjoyment any longer. I sat down to work on my Blandford - looked at it for 5 seconds and walked away from it. If get interrupted, I make stupid mistakes on my ship, saw out the wrong part, etc. I guess I am losing my mind bit by bit.

I know that I have done some things and said some things on the forum that is not like me. I am not a saint, but I try to do what saints do. If any of you have ever read any of my 'The shipbuilder's devotionals', I hope that from that, it should paint a picture of what kind of person I desire to be. Even though I have not reached that point yet. It is my desire not to be artificial, but real. The one thing that I do hate: When I see people treat other people with meanness and hate and being outright abusive.

Love does different things to people. It can make them a better person, or it can enable them to act the worst and take advantage of you. God instructs us to love one another, but we have to leave the outcome to him. In real life, this is a challenge I have yet to conquer. A balance of when to say yes or no. I can or I can't. This takes wisdom of which sometimes I think I might have some, and sometimes I lack it completely. Ask God for wisdom and he will give generously.

Sos is a great place to be and I am not saying that as if I had or have anything to do with it. But, I have from the start, try to set a standard. A standard of fun, respect, honor, helping, encouraging. Ship Building is fun and it should remain that way.
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Let me tell you something Donnie

Because of the C-19 my lady work from home and some might think that it is wonderful but it is not. She will be 65 this year and will take her retirement early next year. Now she does have a lots of pressure from her work (Legal secretary) and do have to work with young lawyer that do not have a lots of Y of experience. They think that any work will just take a few minutes; they do not follow the correct procedure and do not know how to give proper instruction.
Now me I am at home and just for 5 minutes guest what happen where do you think her frustration go. Directly to the smock that does have all the time in the world, that do pass is time enjoying himself doing his hobby ME. So we have learned to take our distance her upstairs and me in the basement see each other at lunch and after work.
20 y ago thing was going slower but now we are in a society of now-now-now and in a want-want-want time where thing go at a fast pace and a lots of people 40y and lest do not know how to interact with other properly it is not on social medium that you learn that, they have all cellular phone and do have 200 contact that they call friend but how many of those contacts are really friend how many of those contact they really know. So they do not think that they might disturb other in their concentration they want it now. Do we are so set in our one way that we can’t adapt.
My lady and I did adapt at the situation, she did learn that those young pub do not know how to work so I have learn to listen to her complaint. I have learn to not disturb her when she work and she have learn to not come in my space to complain during her work.
We do have to adapt other wise well as you said it is depression, we have to be like duck and lets the rain fall and keep our feather dry, but that to no mean that we have to stop paddling under the water. Change what we can and accept what we can’t (adapting)

And that is my Canadian 5cent
I just can deal with it seeing our technical department dissolve right before my eyes. We went from 36 transmitter Engineers down to 3 !!!!!! In 4 to 5 years, all of our tech staff will be gone (retiring) and no one is making any plans to replace.

in the life span of 30 some years in commercial art i was once a lithographer it is unnecessary to get into what a lithographer did, the point is i watched it dry up and turn to dust and everyone is now gone. The job was replaced by the computer and programs like Photoshop and stat cameras replaced by scanners. It went from analog to digital.

I do not know what is going to happen. Our technical department is literally falling apart as the head office does not see the value of us anymore.

like lithography your tech dept. will evolve and adapt, it may not look like anything you recognize but in some form or another it will be there, or totally replaced. evolution is relentless it will dissolve and reform over and over.

This is so depressing to me - I just can deal with it seeing our technical department dissolve right before my eyes.

i see no need to be depresses the tech dept did not dissolve it evolved. You still built the technical foundation the future is built on.

in this hobby i introduced the first laser cut model ship parts many years ago at a Nautical Research Guild conference. I was young and the old members fought the concept because they did not understand and in their heads they had a construct of what model ship building was and this was way to "out of the box"
i live with a double edge sword Ev is my wife and she is also my boss.

we have differences

every morning i will have my coffee and breakfast and sit here doing this
Ev (my boss) will come in regardless if i am in the middle of something or not and say " you should be out in the shop cutting orders, that is your job" i use to reply but this is also part of the job. That never sank in because she just does not see it. She sees orders come in, i cut the order, she runs the payment and the orders are sent out, simple as that

sitting here talking to Mike and many others, sitting doing CAD work, making contacts, dealing with wood suppliers, coming up with new ideas, things like creating build logs all that is unseen by my boss. I guess the foundations of the business is done by magic it just happens all by itself.

i use to get mad
now i just smile

i can work out in the shop 6 to 8 hours for days finish 10 orders, have them packed and ready to go, Rather than the boss lady look and say oh my you got all 10 done good job what i get is her standing there holding 5 more orders and saying these people are waiting for their stuff why didn't you get the wood to the laser cutter, what is holding things up?

A the machines only go so fast

B i was doing the other 10 orders

C i am just a slacker

D i don't know

E why don't you fire me please!

you think i can come home and complain to my wife about my boss?