Pugwash's peg-leg

Well pugwash, it looks like you handled the eight-second bucking bronco (stones) ride nicely, but got yourself stomped on and gored when you tried to ride the Brahman Bull (named Lorry). Gotta give you a lot of credit though... "head-on" took a lot of guts! Wishing you all the best and a fast recovery :)

Believe me, it wasn't my intention to go looking for a truck to headbut!

Tell Donny (admin) I had the briefest encounter with my 'Guardian Angel' at the point of impact!
Keep well Alex, and don't disappoint your Guardian Angel with any pessimism, he did his best :)
Yes, 'he' did a good job.

Any pessimism is related to others not doing their job properly.
This incident isn't the first encounter with my Guardian Angel.
Each time 'he' features he says ''Everything will be alright'....quick as a flash, then disappears!

I never forget how lucky I am.
Just been told I'm being discharged to a re-hab unit.
Watch this space

EDIT 21st Dec

Thanks shipmates for your continued support.

After researching the objectives of maximum 2 weeks at mgsiety local rehab unit, I've had a sleepless night.
I don't consider my 'stump' is healed enough to have a prosthetic program yet.
I can't wait to get a 'new' leg and enjoy the mobility it promises.

My home requires extensive modification/refurb, yet the assessment process hasn't begun yet.
As I understand it I get 2 weeks rehab, then I'm effectively out on the street.

No way is a 'home' acceptable to me.
No doubt these issues will get addressed; my anxiety is the time element.

Again, 'watch this space'.
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Thanks for all your reply's, shipmates.

Today has been a more positive one, chatting with the Doctor in charge of me here, also an aneathasist and a bunch of physio's, plus a friends surprise visit; raising my spirits way above the rocky bottom I washed up on yesterday,

Once my extremely swollen stump goes down, I'll have a cup fitted ready for my very own 'wooden leg'.
Physio's are impressed with me, saying I'm weeks ahead of the average punter in my position.

There's a re-hab unit here, ironically called the 'Acorn' center here which I'll qualify for soon.

My phantom leg is waving good by, for now,
This post came as kind of a relief. Your situation doesn't sound so dire, and you are finding the good ones who are there as a calling, not just a job. I admire your courage, and you are your own best advocate! As you said, you do not suffer fools lightly and there seem to be an abundance of those lately, proving the "Peter Principal" that s**t floats. I admire your courage as well, openness and candor in sharing all this with a bunch of fellow travelers around the world. At least this is a ship forum, and we are all in the same boat adrift on the same sea, each equipped with an oar and a bucket, paddling and bailing as fast as we can. Hopefully many hands will help lighten your load. We are all with you and, I hope, you feel our closeness to you.

With all the best wishes, highest regards and blessings on this Christmas and in the year(s) to come! Thumbsup BeerShip-1

Pete Gutterman
Just been told I'm being discharged to a re-hab unit.
Watch this space

EDIT 21st Dec

Thanks shipmates for your continued support.

After researching the objectives of maximum 2 weeks at mgsiety local rehab unit, I've had a sleepless night.
I don't consider my 'stump' is healed enough to have a prosthetic program yet.
I can't wait to get a 'new' leg and enjoy the mobility it promises.

My home requires extensive modification/refurb, yet the assessment process hasn't begun yet.
As I understand it I get 2 weeks rehab, then I'm effectively out on the street.

No way is a 'home' acceptable to me.
No doubt these issues will get addressed; my anxiety is the time element.

Again, 'watch this space'.
This post has some distressing prospects. Your anxiety is justifiable and palpable. My wife is suffering memory issues that are declining. Don't know yet where to go from here. Don't want to. But the inevitable is coming on relentlessly and with increasing speed. So, In this regard, I "feel your pain". I will take courage from your outlook and "soldier on". What else can we do? Fortunately, we have children who are supportive and resourceful.
I hope everything you need will materialize.

Thank you ,Pete, for your kind intuitive comments.

I don't have the benefit of family to lighten the load, in fact I'm glad they aren't about to interfere.
In ,fact I'm glad they aren't here to interfere.

I understand your healthcare system can be rather punitive, ours is a great one and I at least know and expect most of its features, some considerably better than others and are entirely 'free',

My thoughts are with you and your family; with the daunting prospects ahead.
Good luck my friend.
At least you live in a country where health care has long been considered a right, not a privilege. Here we are descending into the hands of the oligarchs, so I will likely be long gone if we ever reach that level of evolution. Fortunately, my wife was a specialist in insurance and retirement for our local county school system and got us enrolled in Kaiser health care, a system left over from the New Deal era, when there was a burgeoning concept that government was for the security, benefit and welfare of its citizens.
If I have inappropriately stepped in the doo-doo of political opinion, I beg the forgiveness of the polity.

Hi, Lorenzo.
Thanks for the 'coffee' emoji's.
As dumb as I am, their significance eludes me....unless it's sitting down together and shooting the breeze?
Whatever, it's good to feel I'm not forgotten (yet).
Seasons greetings to you and all.
If I lived nearby I would go have a real coffee with you
Merry christmas
Whatever, it's good to feel I'm not forgotten (yet).
Seasons greetings to you and all.

Pugwash..... You will not be forgotten so long as you don't forget your fellow S.o.S. members. And by the way, thank you for sharing your journey with us. No doubt you have a tough row to hoe ahead, but you have our support.

From across the pond... Merry Christmas, Pugwash. Be well.
Pugwash..... You will not be forgotten so long as you don't forget your fellow S.o.S. members. And by the way, thank you for sharing your journey with us. No doubt you have a tough row to hoe ahead, but you have our support.

From across the pond... Merry Christmas, Pugwash. Be well.
To be honest, apart from 2 good friends I am totally dependent on members of this and 2 other online forums for their vicarious support. For this, I'm truly grateful.

Having several meetings recently, I'm becoming increasingly anxious as to my needs being met in the coming weeks and beyond.
Medically I've been discharged!

Next step is limited rehab time, during which an assessment of my housing needs will be done before I'm discharged altogether.

I see my home requires considerable adaptation and renovation over an extended period before it's fit for me to return.

My opinion is that this process should have begun weeks ago.
I'm afraid of the outcome.

None of this prevents me wishing you all my seasonal best wishes.....Merry Christmas,