Ragusian Carrack by jack.aubrey - Marisstella - 1:59 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]

Tuesday 7 November 2017

I've terminated the assembly of the hull frames !!

Aside from the time it took to fit everything in accordance with the written instructions, I had, for my choice, to do additional tasks to reinforce the whole assembly.
Infact, in spite of the presence of some 14mm walnut rods that strengthen the lower part of the frames, I felt more appropriate to add further reinforcements to the upper part of the bulkheads.

This area was too fragile for my thinking . . . then I worked out with "ad hoc" plywood pieces and wood strips to strenghten it.
After this activity I feel more confident about the rigidity of this "building". .

I want now add that I have not yet finished with this task, for example I still have to reinforce the top of the fourth, fifth and sixth bulkheads starting from the stern.
Before anyone notices me, I inform you that the seventh bulkhead from the stern is not perfectly vertically mounted . . I must inadvertently shift it while it was not yet perfectly dry without I noticed it.
However, there are no visible negative effects, so this is an error without any significant consequence.

And now I attach here below the first five images of the work done.

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To be continued . . see you soon, Jack.
Thursday 9 November 2017

New but latest images, with more focus on certain construction details . .

At the moment I am applying a coat of diluted vinyl glue +/- to 50% over the entire structure.

This operation helps to make the surface of the plywood more durable by saturating it with glue and preventing the various pieces from falling or jerking against sanding operations. It should also make the wood less subject to humidity changes, which, in these days here in Calci, is very strong because of recent rains.

Soon I will have to prepare myself to shape the bulkheads with the correct camber and apply preshaped sweet wooden blocks where necessary, especially at bow and stern, to best fix the ends of the planks.

In the idle time I'm trying to finish the second HMS Guadeloupe boat.
Soon, Jack.

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Tuesday 21 November 2017

It's some days without news from me since my last post because I had to spend several time on other matters. However I have not been completely inactive on this model.
Not a lot but during these days I have:

1) finished the second of the HMS Guadeloupe lifeboats; now only another rather small one is missing, and then I'll finish with these boats;
2) I set up, in the prow area, some filling blocks, made of several layers of poplar plywood glued together; they are now rough, but still to be finished properly;
3) I'm building the stern post, especially at the top, made with 2x5 soft wood strips; also here I just have to refine before applying the last layer planks.

Lastly, some considerations on the kit and subsequent decisions regarding the future tasks for this project.

The wood available in the kit for planking the hull and decks consists exclusively of 4 x 1,5 walnut strips. They are of great wood, even if, for my opinion it's a wood too dark (you can have an idea by looking at the previous post where, in some photos, you can see them on the visible side of some bulkheads).
Obviously, only one planking is planned.

Recalling my previous experience with an identical approach based on walnut planking and evaluating the problems encountered during hull refinement and smoothing, I have considered the pros and cons of using this material.

So I decided to proceed on my way using the double planking technique, also because I found the material I needed:

a) in a model shop near to me (among other things, well-stocked) I bought some 1,5x5 mm lime strips to be used for the first planking; since lime is much sweet than walnut I should be able to work much more easily and quickly; in addition, being them wider strips, I should go furtherly faster.
b) I have found veneer sheets, 0,4 mm in thickness, of CHERRY wood at a timber reseller. It's nearly a century I dreamed to use this kind of wood for a model of mine . . . so I decided right away.

The technique is super tested having used it for two of my previous models and also for several boats, so it's like playing soccer in your own home field . .
Of course I have no pictures of the work done on the carrack to show, but I don't think it's a big loss as there is not much to show. At most, I'll show you a couple of photos of the two Guadeloupe boats . .

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Thursday 23 November 2017

Some pictures of the work made on the stern, aimed at the construction of the stern post. This element is definitely finished, ready to receive, in due course, the last layer of cherry wood strips.
A view of the inside, left raw . .

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And two exterior views, smooth and ready for the next steps . .

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The filling blocks in the bow area, still under construction and to be refined . .

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I have reinforced the tops of the 9th, 10th and 11th bulkheads that could break during the hull manipulations planned in the next steps . .

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That's all, see you soon, Jack.
Sunday, November 26, 2017

I'm going to describe the latest developments.

It's not a lot but at this time I'm a little conditioned by the outside temperatures that are starting to decrease and working with the cold inside a garage doesn't fit too much for me. So I work only in the warmer hours and, with the current short days, time is not much.

I have finally finished installing and shaping the bow filler blocks . . since I didn't have usable wood blocks I used poplar plywood elements glued together. Even though this wood is fairly soft, because of the poor quality of the sanding paper I had available, I took more than expected even if at the end I got there.

I'm evaluating a similar solution for the stern, though limited, by doubling the thickness of the last two bulkheads just in the lower zone, this to increase the surface in contact with the planks.

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Cheers, Jack Aubrey.
Thursday, November 30th 2017

The preparatory activities for the hull planking are continuing . .

At the moment I am focused on the prow zone and in particular on the forecastle. Here I saw the possibility of carrying out activities independently from the other areas of the hull, then, having previously assessed the situation, I decided to attack this area, just to "warm up the tires".
In doing so I decided to move away from following the assembling instructions provided in the kit: they were very valid, if not absolutely necessary, in the work phases carried out so far but I think that from now on we can proceed quite freely.

In particular my activities were the construction of the forecastle's top structure, the finishing of the front vertical wall and the application of the deck planks. To do this I used the walnut strips supplied in the kit. However, once again this essence seems to me decidedly dark to cover the decks, so even here I decided to proceed with my own head. This walnut planking will serve as a starting point for covering with self-made strips made with tanganika wood veneer, much clearer than walnut. . so do not look at the strange layout of the strips of the deck I used as a modeling heresy, 'cause it only serves as a background.

Below a bit of pictures of the work done, kind regards, Jack.

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Monday 4th December 2017

The weather is definitely getting cold and working in the cold of my garage is not the best . . but the passion and, above all, the wish to see some few planking installed made me overcome this difficulty . . as long as it lasts . .

As anticipated I started "to warm up the tires" by applying few planks in the upper part of the forecastle: first there is an area of 5/6 perfectly straight planking followed by a larger area of planks, previously bent, which connects to the real stem.

To bend the strips, in limewood 1.5 x 5mm, I used the method of the iron can and the candle, a method that I learned to master at the time of the model of the 12 Apostles and I find it very simple and practical.

From now on I could start to apply the planking on the whole hull, but first I still have to refine and get ready the stern area, in particular with regard to the well known bevel angle.

Below, the usual roundup of images, see you soon, Jack.

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I was asked elsewhere to better explain my plank bender tool, cited by me in a previous message. Since I think it may be useful to somebody, I attach here the description of this simple but effective tool.

I built my "homemade" plank bender, that is in fact a classic of its genre and that works 100 times better than all the electric tools that are sold in model shops to bend strips.

Raw material needed for the tool:
- a table of MDF or plywood of adequate size and thickness,
- a metal can, eventually you can build many of them of different diameter and size,
- two 3mm diameter countersunk-head bolts so that they sink into the MDF and do not protrude.

Here below you see the finished tool. .


However, there are two other vital elements for proper use:
- a gas lighter,
- some candles like those shown below.


To use it just light the candle and place it inside the can, then take the strips to fold, previously soaked in water for enough time, for limewood about fifteen minutes, place them on top of the hot can, bend at will, waiting for the wood to dry (a handful of seconds) and you've finished. With a few experience this task becomes a game !

Here below one example of bent strips with this method . .


Hoping this explanation is clear to you, kind regards, Jack.
Friday, December 29, 2017

Here in Pisa, the cold weather gave a pause of a few days and this allowed me to resume the activities related to the (carrack) hull planking . . just the time to apply a dozen strips for each side in the area above the main deck.
A new cold weather wave is expected in the coming days, so I can not guarantee any new progress soon.

Below a series of images to show the work done till this date.

Best regards and best wishes for a Happy New Year, Jack.

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Tuesday 9 January 2018

The works to install the first planking over the stern castles are now over.
Yesterday I practically finished this task.
Now I missed only a couple of finishes (ie. to trim the excess wood), and after I'll have to schedule next new activities.
I believe that, before starting the planking of the quickwork, I'll concentrate on the tasks to arrange the inside of the bulwarks (read removal of the false stanchions and reinforcement of the sides internally) and the setup of the installation of the decks, in particular the main deck.
But for now let's give a look to the work done so far.
Sincerely, Jack.Aubrey.

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Wednesday 10 January 2018

Refined the external contours of the quarter deck and the poop deck . .
Installed the planks for the poop deck. In this case I used strips of walnut as for the first planking of the foredeck. Today or at most tomorrow I will provide the second planking of the poop small deck with the same tanganika veneer. I am thinking to simulate the planks with a length of about 6-7 meters, which in a scale of 1:60 would mean 10-12cm.

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Saturday 13 January 2018

The works around the poop upper deck continues.
After having applied the first layer of strips (walnut 4 x 1.5mm) on this deck and having made the appropriate smoothing, I proceeded to apply the final Tanganika planks, in the form of strips made from 4mm wide and 0.4mm thick veneers.

In the first image you can observe an intermediate phase of the work in which you can see the great difference in color between the timber of the first layer and that of the second. In addition to deck planking I also applied the same material (but this time in cherry wood) on the internal sides of the bulwarks, in order to complete the finish of the entire area.

The deck undergoing processing. .

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The stern deck completed.
I applied a couple of coats of wood oil that drastically changed the color of the two wood essences I used: tanganika and cherry.
The colors of these images are unfortunately distorted by a reddish yellow reflection due to the curtains that cover my terrace but it is anyway good to remember that, unlike my expectations, there is not a great difference in color between the two essences. It seems that, with the oil, the two types of wood tend to look almost the same, and this fact is a small disappointment for me.

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Another aspect to underline may be the fact, clearly visible in some photos, that the color of the decks appears slightly streaked, not uniform, with points that have absorbed the oil better than others, thus assuming a lighter color tone where the glue residues have not been perfectly removed.
For personal experiences, it should not be worrying as it is only necessary to let some time pass and this oil will do its work from the inside rather than from the outside. Let me explain: what he has not managed to impregnate from the outside will now do it in the coming days from the inside, bringing the color equal to the other points. At most it will take another coat of oil to help the process.

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That's all for today, best regards, Jack.