Ragusian Carrack (MarisStella) - Scale 1:59

Praying for comfort and a new sense of purpose. I find that service to others gives me great peace, knowing that I’m helping others who are struggling. God bless you.
I've decided to work on this ship again. I put some filler pieces in the bow and stern area prepping for planking. Next I planked the transom. Now I'll go back and smooth out the hull and begin the planking.

tiny end piece
photo is a little distorted. It's actually cut/sanded per the plans
I started with the wale at the main deck. I tried the kit supplied wales, which are 2x4. The planking is 1.5x4. I couldn't really see much difference as the wale didn't stand out as much as I liked. I cut my own to size 2.5x4. This looks better to me. I stained the wales black with India ink. I also rounded the edges with a 1/32" round-over bit as I didn't care for the square edges. I had cut my own hull planks so the hull wood will look pretty much the same color. There were too may variations in color with the kits hull planks. I also round-overed the edges of all the hull planks with the same 1/32 bit. You can see the planks in the stern photo. I did this just for a different look. No other reason really. My build will look a little different from the builds already published due to the
black wales and rounded over hull planks. No reason really. Other than I just wanted to do something different. Might make some other changes as the build progresses??

Something I thought was a little peculiar.... the distance from the main deck wale to the next wale below at the widest point is 4.5 planks. Wonder why the manufacturer did this? Or did the manufacturer get it right and I don't have a clue what I'm doing?? ROTF

Anyway, I'm using 4 1.5x4mm planks at the widest and 2 plank width at the bow and 3 plank width at the stern. The fractional measurements I took at this 3 areas were just a little too hard for me to figure out. The sizes I am using will be close enough for me to tell any difference. I'll worry about how the other wales fit when I get to them.IMG_4877.jpgIMG_4878.jpgIMG_4879.jpg
Planked the hull bottom. Most of the planking is finished. Will finish planking the upper bow when working in that area. Will lightly sand (steel wool) the entire hull before I start with the masts. Then a final light coat of flat urethane.

I put a deck on the stern deck and planked the inside of the hull. Still work to be done (cutting curvers) on hull planking in the open area of the main deck.

I bought Pavel's San. Bartolome about 2 years right after it came out. Been sitting on the shelf. I'm going to begin that ship now as I sometimes get a little bored working on the Ragusian Carrack all the time.

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Thanks Doc, Smitht, Fish&Chips. I rounded over all the plank edges with a 1/8" round over bit. Took a while, but was fun. Just wanted to do something different.