Rigging books/instruction manuals

A big question. Many answers.
James Lees.
RC Anderson
L. Petersen
There a lot of writers, al different ships and era.
What are you looking for, and for wat ship?
It’s a trabacollo beginning of 19th century, actually if you know some book with how to do knots as well, thanks
Then you will be happy with the book of Lennarth Petersson's like mentioned before by Bend and Brian
Go to archive [dot] org. Enter the search string "ship rigging" and you will find a number of free pdf books from the nineteenth century that will give you almost more information than you can use. Warning: this material is so interesting that you may get bogged down and forget to eat! :) Many of these books are also good for illustrations of authentic blocks, etc.

Please do not use this knowledge to fashion scale models of conflict vessels. Please build models that represent joy and production, not fear and destruction. Please do not show war implements to children.
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[dot] org arşivine gidin. "Gemi armaları" arama dizisini girin ve on dokuzuncu yüzyıldan kalma, kullanabileceğinizden neredeyse daha fazla bilgi verecek bir dizi ücretsiz pdf kitabı bulacaksınız. Uyarı: Bu malzeme o kadar ilginç ki, çıkmaza girebilir ve yemek yemeyi unutabilirsiniz! :) Bu kitapların çoğu, otantik blokların çizimleri vb. için de iyidir.
Go to archive [dot] org. Enter the search string "ship rigging" and you will find a number of free pdf books from the nineteenth century that will give you almost more information than you can use. Warning: this material is so interesting that you may get bogged down and forget to eat! :) Many of these books are also good for illustrations of authentic blocks, etc.
Been there, Done that!!!:D
Hello everybody,

Please if you can give me an advice which book for rigging to look for

Hallo @Srdan
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
How is your project on the Trabacul going? Maybe you want to show us....