RMS Titanic - Trumpeter 1/200

Whilst awaiting the fiberoptics, I decided that I should make windows for the rest of the ship. There are some "stained glass" windows for the finer stuff, but none of the other windows were included, so I decided I'd cut some out. 1 attempt with the exacto and I knew that was a disaster waiting to happen, however the wife has a Silhouette Cameo, and I dabbled in making paper tape masks for windows for my airplanes, so I thought, why the heck not!


This is what the houses look without the acetate window

How they look with:
(Oh and I HAVE noticed that the brown isn't sticking even with primer under... I need to find a better primer...)

I decided to create all the windows so that it would make my job easier.


So! there it is, saved many hours making windows, now I just need to get the last few pieces!
Hey there,
They look really good. My wife has a Cricut machine, which does basically the same thing as the your Cameo. Any chance you might be willing to share the graphic file you created / used for your creation? I may be able to adapt it for the Cricut. :)
And I agree with the earlier comment; you could most certainly produce and sell these. I'd happy slip you some Loonies for the graphic file at least.
I will be selling them for sure, already have 20 or so orders. But I'm not sure I'm allowed to "peddle my wares" so to speak... Lol and thanks!
I will be selling them for sure, already have 20 or so orders. But I'm not sure I'm allowed to "peddle my wares" so to speak... Lol and thanks!
I am up for set of your windows.
Let me know how much you want for a complete set.
If you buy the Shapeways rudder for the 1/200 Titanic, it fits correctly.
the rudder which comes with the kit is not correct and the rudder supplied by KA models in the upgrade set is way off.
The only thing you have to do is drill out the whole for the rudder stock to go through (check the pics of the Titanic or Olympic at launch and you will see how much space is around the stock.

I hope the pictures help.



Verygood work wit the photo etched parts - I am looking forward your next working progress
Thanks guys!
@Beau I had the Shapeways rudder in mind, but decided to use the KA one... might bite me, but there is enough modelling to do, and I already spent a fortune on AM... We shall see.

Anyway, I finished the second class entrance, added all the windows, then did the tank room/recip. engine casing vent building. I still have to add railing there, but I ran out of white. I mean who runs out of white... It's not like I don't have spares of almost any other color... Anyway got some white Friday so all good to go again!

A little on how I glue the Acetate windows in: Thin some white glue, I use Mod Podge, commonly available in craft stores here in North America, I thin it with about equal parts water and glue. Dry fit the window and sand/shape as needed. Use a cocktail stick, or in my case, a microbrush with the brush-head cut off to add glue to the cutout for the window. add the window. Smears are no problem. Then add glue to the back of the frame and add it as well, and presto! Windows with glass!

Nothing too complex here, but it looks cool on the ship!

2nd class adding glue.jpg2nd class entrance progress 1.jpg2nd class entrance progress 4.jpg2nd class glued.jpgCloser up.jpgSecond class entrance.jpgTank Room Vent.jpgWhat it looks like.jpgWhere it sits.jpg
Whilst awaiting the fiberoptics, I decided that I should make windows for the rest of the ship. There are some "stained glass" windows for the finer stuff, but none of the other windows were included, so I decided I'd cut some out. 1 attempt with the exacto and I knew that was a disaster waiting to happen, however the wife has a Silhouette Cameo, and I dabbled in making paper tape masks for windows for my airplanes, so I thought, why the heck not!


This is what the houses look without the acetate window

How they look with:
(Oh and I HAVE noticed that the brown isn't sticking even with primer under... I need to find a better primer...)

I decided to create all the windows so that it would make my job easier.


Beau suggested you make and sell windows. I would be interested in purchasing.

So! there it is, saved many hours making windows, now I just need to get the last few pieces!
Hi good folk of SOS!

I will try something I haven't done since I screwed up my friend's Tirpitz when I was about 14... I do build models and have some skill, but I don't measure up to most on here!

On to the build, I sold a few kits to make the Titanic fit the budget, and refurnished the model headquarters so that I could have a dedicated desk to my ship, whilst I also work on my other larger scale projects. I got the kit a couple months ago, and have started cleaning up decks to receive the wooden deck parts, and done some minor photo etch work, just ensure I can actually do this! PE is not my favorite material to work with, but I will attempt to do the ship some justice with these parts.

My plan is to build subassemblies where I can, and join these together as the build progresses. I have watched a few videos on Titanic builds and other ship builds to see what order I should work in, and what aftermarket sets to get. My 'research' has led me to get the KA Models from Korea for their set, which has PE, 3d printed parts, resin parts, and wooden decks. I have also gotten "fiber optic" strands to do the portholes, I got 5 different sizes, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3MM and also ordered drill bits to the same size so I can install and light the model completely. I have looked at the portholes from Scale Warship, but they don't seem to have them anymore. I also was looking at Stern Plates upgrades from MiniBrass in France, but I'm afraid that may be out of my skill area. We shall see!

Anyway, here is a picture of the model as she sits on my new work-table the kit is about 4.5 feet long so it takes most of the desk space, once I've "finished" the hull, I may move it to a side table so I can do sub assemblies and other projects at the main table.

The wiskers is drill swarf from the port holes, I've used Porthole Jiggs from Nigels Modeling Benc to drill pilot holes on all the ones that are to be drilled.
Thank you for letting post in this exceptional group of modelers!
Hallo @Winnie
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Hi Winnie,

is it still possible to order the windows kit for the Titanic?

Kind regards,
Not sure whether it’s been mentioned earlier in your log, but there’s some great aftermarket options available for Titanic at the Midwest hobby shop.