French war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]

I received this morning the 1/72 edition :


First step : preparing all paper frames and order the different woods for building skeleton...
The keel was copied from the 1/72 source plan, and it's dimensions controlled with the compass :

Plan 4.jpg

Plan 5.jpg

You can see the notches (green on the screen), placed towards the position line for the frames AR (rear), and forward for noted AV (front)

The keel is subdivided into two parts : the keel itself, and a thinner false keel, placed above it, that receives the down notches, the difference in thickness between high and down parts providing an uniform bulkhead (râblure in french), without to dig it into wooden mass (this simplified process was successfully used on USS Confederacy, and Niña, both in closed built)

The other functions of this false keel is to support the first gun deck with adapted camber, which will be applied to all other desks of ship
After verification with Jean-Claude Lemineur, author of Saint-Philippe's monograph, the ship has a rear inclined keel :


For exact construction, reproduce this angle pf 1.2 ° by a 1.2 cm part placed under fore keel, and install vertically all frames

For a closed hull construction, it's possible to ignore this particularity, because the difference is very small with 1.2 cm for one meter length, but, in such a case, it will be necessary to prepare a new draw of the horizontal keel, the result of general look could be even a little more "elegant"
After verification with Jean-Claude Lemineur, author of Saint-Philippe's monograph, the ship has a rear inclined keel :


For exact construction, reproduce this angle pf 1.2 ° by a 1.2 cm part placed under fore keel, and install vertically all frames

For a closed hull construction, it's possible to ignore this particularity, because the difference is very small with 1.2 cm for one meter length, but, in such a case, it will be necessary to prepare a new draw of the horizontal keel, the result of general look could be even a little more "elegant"
Many Thanks for this verification by the author
we will wait and see - hope you can restart very soon :cool: