French war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]

With vertical frames, it's possible to draw floating line as reference, and that's I preview :


Hallo @CRI-CRI ,
please upload your photos directly in our forum, so the photos will be for ever safe and visible for the members.
In moment or sometimes not all posts are showing the photos.
There are only links to another forum........because of this, they also can not be viewed in full size.
Would be very good and many Thanks in advance
I inform you that I decided to realize my first idea about gammoning of S-Philippe, I cannot follow the sinking
ropes of monograph... Here, I show a simulation of gammoning of bowsprit with rectified height of the holes :

View attachment 221447
Did you see the photos I made from the Le Saint Philippe I made during my visit in Rochefort some years ago?
here I had the chance to make some photos of the models built by Jose Tuset and Michel Magerotte

Why do you think, that the gammoning was different than shown in the monograph?


I think, that due to the fact, that the structure was devided in two parts, the cutwater as prolongation of the keel (red arrow) and the upper part (green arrow) which is devided by some ornaments (blue arrow) -> only the red marked area had the structural strength to take over the forces from the bowsprit

Off course it is problematic or surprising, that the lowest point of the gammoning was under the waterline
I know all models of S-Philippe, including the two realizations exposed at Rochefort 2019

I think that the fore part of ship is too horizontal, too low, in fact (see for instance the fore part of contemporary ship, le Soleil Royal):

Taille M.jpg

As I cannot redraw all this part, I prefer a minimalist solution, it's only an esthetic improvement

For historic reality, there never was any known detailled plan of this ship, it's a compilation of several sources, but not an unknown truth...

I can also copy the monograph, but it seems to me that this default would cause an anesthetic look

Low part of gammoning is also too important, the position of middle cross of it seems wrong

It's my opinion, I can be wrong...