Thanks for appreciating the painting, although in my opinion it is nothing extraordinary...
Diorama... I wrote earlier that I want to put it on water. However, I am very worried whether I will succeed, because it would be the first water in my life. I have made a number of more and less successful attempts with various dioramas (buildings, mountains, forest, etc.) but never with water.
I don't want to call it a "diorama", because it's just supposed to be some sea waves, but I would be grateful for any suggestion and hint.

Diorama... I wrote earlier that I want to put it on water. However, I am very worried whether I will succeed, because it would be the first water in my life. I have made a number of more and less successful attempts with various dioramas (buildings, mountains, forest, etc.) but never with water.
I don't want to call it a "diorama", because it's just supposed to be some sea waves, but I would be grateful for any suggestion and hint.