Santa Maria, Mantua 1:50

Jan 26, 2017

Hello again friends. After HMS Pickle I started Santa Maria kit of Mantua which I bought three years ago. I will modify the kit a little during the construction. Everybody knows everything about Santa Maria. So, no need to tell about her history. I did the framing and glued the main simulated deck in place.1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg
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I decided to make treenails with the toothpicks. I drill 0,8 mm of holes on the planks and insert the toothpicks with a little PVA. After glue dries I snap the toothspicks off and sand the suface for finishing. By the way, I glued the poop deck as well.10.jpg11.jpg12.jpg13.jpg14.jpg15.jpg16.jpg17.jpg18.jpg19.jpg
Hello friends. Due to the problem with my laptop I have not been able to post the updates on my SM for a while. I installed all the decks and planked them, I attached side sheets and did the bulwarks inner plankings, completed hull first planking with 1,5x5 mm basswood strips instead of 2x5 mm balsa strips given with the kit. I completed stern planking. I started the second planking of the hull with 1x4 mm walnut strips given with the kit. Here are the updates. 20.jpg21.jpg22.jpg23.jpg24.jpg25.jpg26.jpg27.jpg28.jpg29.jpg30.jpg31.jpg32.jpg33.jpg34.jpg35.jpg
Thank you so much for nice comments my friends.
Norway; there is no copper on the hull. I will finish with the oil or varnish after a slight sanding.