Ships boats tie downs.

Jul 10, 2021

Vancouver Island
Just putting the boats on the Discovery1789. I'm wondering about how they are tied down. I've been perusing build logs and I've only found two that show them reasonably well. One had a single rope that just went from beam to beam over the boat but I couldn't see if it was just tied to the beam or if there was eyebolts or such to tie them to. The other had about six wraps of rope going around the beam and the boat. None of my books seem to show any method. Is there a standard(ish) way of tying the boats down??
Thanks Uwe but it was the tie downs I was interested in, not the hoisting rigging.
Alan, thank you, I found, like you, that a lot of the boats are stowed on the spare spars. I was after the last picture you posted. I zoomed in and there are eye bolts in the beams and four wraps of rope. I just wish the picture had been from the other side so i could see how it was tied off.
How do you find this section of the RMG site?
How do you find this section of the RMG site?
It took a few stabs in the collections search box. When I entered longboat models these popped up. First I tried long boat model and got over 400 hits that were not appropriate. When I typed in longboat model I got 34 hits, the above included in the mix. Typing longboat versus
long boat made the difference. I also tried pinnace and launch but unfortunately found nothing useful for you in a quick search.

As to how these were tied off that may include several methods that were used. Our seamanship course freshman year included knot tying and for this kind of application, if I remember correctly (BIG "if" there) we were taught to use a half round turn with three half hitches or sometimes a bowline for similar applications. These would not slip but were easy and quick to untie.
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This may be one of those details that was not as standardized as we would like to think. Making various items fast is basic seamanship and specific methods likely varied among bosuns and among vessels. Methods would also vary according to conditions. In light weather a couple of simple lashes would hold a boat. When it started to blow, additional rigging would be added. Fair winds!
This may be one of those details that was not as standardized as we would like to think. Making various items fast is basic seamanship and specific methods likely varied among bosuns and among vessels. Methods would also vary according to conditions. In light weather a couple of simple lashes would hold a boat. When it started to blow, additional rigging would be added. Fair winds!
I agree. That configuration does not look familiar at all to me. The only thing I have seen with my two ships, Le Mirage and the Bounty is simple eyebolts with knots. Probably not accurate and nowhere near as nice as the pics above.
This is how I tied the boat down on my Ragusian Carrack:
elaborated upon here:

The tie down with deadeyes seems really strange to me, as but the model showing blocks and tackles seem good. My older style boat is much smaller, so it has a simpler tiedown.
Thanks Uwe but it was the tie downs I was interested in, not the hoisting rigging.
Alan, thank you, I found, like you, that a lot of the boats are stowed on the spare spars. I was after the last picture you posted. I zoomed in and there are eye bolts in the beams and four wraps of rope. I just wish the picture had been from the other side so i could see how it was tied off.
How do you find this section of the RMG site?
Sorry that I misunderstood the question - I have to read more carefully

Found in Anatomy book of the Bellona
