Finally some small progress again. There was a lot of work in the garden to do and also the job kept me busy.
At the moment I try to figure out how to place LEDs in the 4 lanterns on the roof of the balconies. My problem is that the LEDs are bigger than the opening of the lanterns in the bottom. Probably I will make a cut out there. And of course I also have to isolate the wiring to prevent a short circuit.
I will keep you updated.
G'day Nj0rdr
I think I might have a solution for you.
I bought on Ebay a set of 20 micro ORANGE LEDs for about Au$3.
It's hard to tell the exact size by this photo, but it is slightly bigger than a pin head.
The very thin wires are coated with varnish so they are insulated from each other. These wires should be small enough to go through a 0.6 mm hole.
But be very careful not to scratch the varnish.
It's very important to add 1 transistors at the positive side of each LED that you are using.
If you are doing the lights in a series than you will only need one transistor.
This transistor can run up to 20 LEDs lights with the power supply.
It will be ok if you run 3 or 4 LEDs from this same power supply,
but to be safe, do a test with the spare LEDs and run the test for a few days. I don't believe there will be any problems, but I also say,
it best to be safe and be shaw, than sorry.
After you connect the lanterns with the LEDs inside, and if by any chance they don't work,
swap the poles on the LED around until they all work. This is a trial and error because you will have to cut the LEDs of the series chain to do your lanterns.
Hope that you can understand what I'm trying to convey to you.