Devotional The Shipbuilders Devotional #15: Rest

Shipbuilder Devotionals
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Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
Most of the time, when I write these Devotionals, I just let my mind write freestyle and whatever comes to mind is what I write - in other words, I did not plan it out. The only thing I did have any pre thoughts on was a Title and just go with it.

So, if you are like me and most others here, trying to carve out (no pun intended) time to work on our models is not a problem at all, while others, it comes randomly, or we have to plan that time due to other things in life, like our jobs, if we are still working, our home life, like (the Admiral) and children and grandchildren if we have any. On a personal note, my wife and I do not have any children.

However, we do have a dog (a Yorkie) that is very high maintenance - and as far as that goes, I have to say that I am high maintenance as well :) - as a matter of fact, all of us that live in our house are high maintenance - what is that you say? it just means that we need a lot of attention !!!!

So, what does this have to do with having a "Spiritual Conversation" - ?

Well, previously, I mentioned having time to work on our models. Sometimes, I put too much work and emphasis on it - meaning that I set a deadline that I want to finish. Therefore, I am suffering from a bad neckache and headache today from too much work on it. Well, that is certainly not good, but hey, I had some time alone and I wanted to take advantage of it.

When we or I get to that point, it is time to back off and rest. Otherwise, I will get burned out and that is not good and I do not want to get burned out of modeling - and sometimes that will happen more often than not.

You have to take time to rest. To reflect. To ponder. While you are taking a break - take a moment to be thankful for your blessings. Take time to thank the Lord for giving you such wonderful talent to work on your model - that you have your health (of course within reason), but the main point is to remember where your strength comes from. It comes from God. Your talent and your abilities all come from Him, as he created you in his image. Just like God created the heavens, the Earth, and the Universe, he also granted you the ability to "create" too. Just as God loves you, he gave you the ability to love others. For every emotion you have, God has those same emotions and granted those same types of emotions when he created mankind. He separated us from the rest of the animal kingdom to be in a special relationship with him.

As the Lord said, "come to me who are heavy ladened and burdened and I will give you rest" That rest comes in many forms. Sometimes our Soul needs rest too and we should rest in Him. I encourage you to find rest in the Lord and give him your burdens for the day. He does care for you more than you realize.

If any of you need prayer, all you need to do is PM me.

Donald Driskell
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