USS Arizona - 1/200 Build Log [archived]

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TCM shows it. It's real sad to think some of the men you see may still be with the ship. It's a fun picture and the film of the fleet breasting the waves is something.
Well, thanks again! We don't have TCM over here in Australia, but I'll continue to scour our many streaming services. The fact it is on TCM means there's a digital copy out there somewhere. And yes, a very poignant point about the crew seen in the film.
It also features an airship which, if I recall, also is lost The Macon- two dead in an ocean crash.
I'll check that out. I'm a Prime member here so can actually get the US stuff as well. I have an awesome book on the Arizona which dedicates an entire chapter to the movie, which is where I first learned about it. Cheers.
Back into Drydock. ;)

Been sharing time between some big projects as work allows, and have decided to blow the dust off my Arizona and try and get her finished.
It's been about a year since I did anything, so she needed a bit of TLC and a stock take on where I was.

After getting a duplicate of the Eduard Mast/Main Tops PE set, I've been slugging away on getting the rear tripod complete. To keep my sanity, I've also completed the PE upgrade to the aft catapult and installed it, installed the lower deck 5" guns and got the upper deck, funnel and some structures painted up and in place.

Started working the boats as well, and dropped the first one on just a little while ago. So glad to be moving on with this build. Again. :)

Port Side.jpegRear Cat.jpegLower Super.jpegFirst Boat.jpeg
Thats really wonderful Steve. Are you getting a display case to protect the model against dust when completed ?
Hi Bryian,

Yes mate. I've built a dry-dock style base out of pine and will have an acrylic top to fit over and keep her clean. :)

At the moment, just keeping a light plastic sheet over the model now she's back on the bench.
It's been a couple of months since last posting, but I have been slowly chipping away on the build. Had to take a pause while awaiting another sheet of PE (sort of messed up parts of the one I had), but it's in hand and the build is progressing. Turret No.3, with the PE enhanced catapult, is complete, with turret No.4 just finishing up.

Took a side track and started working the main superstructure, building up one level at a time to make sure PE details were installed and any extra detail I could incorporate is placed on/in. This weekend I have some time and hope to complete the forecastle (ex- PE railings) and really start detailing up.

Photos to follow, hopefully by weekend's end. :)
Hi Kurt,
That's how I've been fortunate to visit Hawaii and Pearl so many times, via deployment with our military. I think I've visited the Arizona at least five times now; it's such an amazing memorial. The flag, from my understanding, is actually attached to the remains of one of the aft tripod support legs, and it is flown IAW USN tradition because, as you said, she is still on Active Duty honouring the men who remain with her.

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I raised that flag many times when I was on Ford Island and rendered honors as we left and came back to port there at Pearl. I spent 3 months on Ford Island and was stationed on the USS Davidson, FF 1045. My ship is gone now but she will be never forgotten. The same for the great USS Arizona. I am building the 200 scale also.
Back in 1977 I got to stay in Hawaii for a few month with the Air Force.

I and a group made the tour of Hickam AFB and the memorial in Pearl.

Interesting to learn the flag flying there each day is secured to a mast attached to the ships hull, and not to the memorial.

This made sense when our tour guide said the USS Arizona is still on Active Duty Service with the Navy.
77 huh cool I was there in 80 on. When we it was my turn on flag duty we used to watch the little tiger and hammer head sharks swimming around. It was a trip when the tourist saw them.
My brother took his Navy re-enlistment oath at the memorial. I guess it's a tradition. Years ago- too many years ago- I sold a car to a man who was on the Arizona that morning. He was saved when an explosion blew him off the fantail and into the water. I am sorry I forgot his name.
Finished painting and detailing the lower superstructure and fitted that on. Been working some fiddly bits, like the searchlights and the first of the PE railings and ladders.
Lower SupStruc.jpegTurret 3 Cat.jpeg
It's funny how you don't 'see' somethings until taking and viewing a photo, like the 'patch' of what was likely accelerated CE on turret two's equipment ring and the red overspray on the black hull anti-foul line midships. :eek: Very happy with the way turret 3's catapult has come up, using the Eduard PE set. Just got to paint the blast bags to finish it up. Oh, and mount the aircraft of course.
Anchor Aweigh.jpeg
Had hoped to finish off the forecastle area, but decided to do a little rework on some of the anchor runs. Mounted one of the port side anchors, and may decide to let that one hang as is for now. Hope to get the rest done over the weekend. :)
Looks sweet. What color did you use on the hull? Mine is a darker grey blue and no I did not use navy blue like they said. I am just wondering. It might be the lighting too. Thanks
Looks sweet. What color did you use on the hull? Mine is a darker grey blue and no I did not use navy blue like they said. I am just wondering. It might be the lighting too. Thanks
After much research and trial and error I settled on the Vallejo Game Color 72.048: Sombre Grey. It does play with the light, appearing darker from some angles, but it's a close match for the USN 5S Sea Blue right out of the bottle. :-)
After much research and trial and error I settled on the Vallejo Game Color 72.048: Sombre Grey. It does play with the light, appearing darker from some angles, but it's a close match for the USN 5S Sea Blue right out of the bottle. :)
I mixed deck grey and navy blue. It came out to be a deep grey blue. That was the closest I could get to the paint that I found digging thru pictures on the computer.
Looks good to me and your right about perspective distance.

I used to be a photographer, and folks would get inches from large photo 11 x 14 or larger, and say it looks grainy, but when held at the normal 2' 3' range it looked great.
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