USS Arizona - 1/200 Build Log [archived]

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That must have been a privilege. He experience would have been terrifying.
Since we’re talking about people we’ve known, we’ve admired and respect for the sacrifices they’ve made for us. Quick story… I had a friend, a navy veteran of WW2. One day he calls me and asked if I knew of a place where he could get motion picture film transferred to dvd. My connection to that process was being a tv news cameraman… and I happened to use a transfer company that I trusted. Fast forward to his getting the footage and a dvd back. He invited my wife and me to come over for drinks to thank me for helping. I watched the video and it turns out that it’s gun camera footage from an Avenger of a flyover of the USS Missouri during the Japanese surrender ceremony while it was taking place. He had never talked about his experience during the war. Of course I asked him where he’d gotten the footage, amazing piece of history. It was then that he revealed that he was in the Navy. A journalist till the end, I pressed him on … “so what did you do during the war, Charles?” “Oh… nothing much” was his reply…pressing further… it turned out that he was a rear gunner on dive and torpedo planes. His humility was palpable, you could cut it with a knife. “I was just a kid and did what was expected of kids his age.” Sadly he’s no longer with us but he’ll always be a hero to me.

Btw… I was a student of WW2 but the European Theatre. Personal reasons. I did drag my wife and young son on my homage to the men and women who participated in D-Day and the Normandy campaign. There’s a bit more to that story but I’ve taken up enough of everyone’s time.

Good luck with the Arizona, a worthy ship and worthy service people to pay homage to.
Happy Birthday Steve! Birthday-Cake
It’s 2024 as the crow flies (mixed metaphor) and while reading the posts from our members I’m struck by the reverence everyone shows to each other and especially the veterans who served. We all seem to post our thoughts knowing how each vessel, each aircraft, held real people and deserve respect. Thank you and the members for setting that tone.
Since we’re talking about people we’ve known, we’ve admired and respect for the sacrifices they’ve made for us. Quick story… I had a friend, a navy veteran of WW2. One day he calls me and asked if I knew of a place where he could get motion picture film transferred to dvd. My connection to that process was being a tv news cameraman… and I happened to use a transfer company that I trusted. Fast forward to his getting the footage and a dvd back. He invited my wife and me to come over for drinks to thank me for helping. I watched the video and it turns out that it’s gun camera footage from an Avenger of a flyover of the USS Missouri during the Japanese surrender ceremony while it was taking place. He had never talked about his experience during the war. Of course I asked him where he’d gotten the footage, amazing piece of history. It was then that he revealed that he was in the Navy. A journalist till the end, I pressed him on … “so what did you do during the war, Charles?” “Oh… nothing much” was his reply…pressing further… it turned out that he was a rear gunner on dive and torpedo planes. His humility was palpable, you could cut it with a knife. “I was just a kid and did what was expected of kids his age.” Sadly he’s no longer with us but he’ll always be a hero to me.

Btw… I was a student of WW2 but the European Theatre. Personal reasons. I did drag my wife and young son on my homage to the men and women who participated in D-Day and the Normandy campaign. There’s a bit more to that story but I’ve taken up enough of everyone’s time.

Good luck with the Arizona, a worthy ship and worthy service people to pay homage to.
Thank you for your comments and and amazing story of your friend. The nobility of those who serve/served is so often passed over. As a veteran of nearly 40 years service, it's just a fact we don't perform our duties for glamour or recognition (or the pay ;)); it's one thing that sets military personnel apart from so many other professions.

I hope to finish off my Arizona shortly and will update my build log once I get going again.
When all is said and done.............

I aimed to use the holiday break this year to finally repair and complete my Arizona build. She's been laid up under cover for about 18 months, since a late night sortie by the cat to my (normally) secure hobby room. I initially thought the battle damage was repairable, but having revisited the model now, I've found a couple of issues that need more that fresh PE and a coat of paint. Damn feline really did a number on her.:(

Anyways, after much reflection, coupled to a burning desire to actually complete a 1/200 Arizona, I've decided to cut my losses and buy a replacement kit. It took some time finding an Oz hobby store with one in stock, but have now placed the order and shall be preparing my shipyard for the new arrival.

I considered just picking up this log where my previous build left off, but have decided to actually begin a new build log instead and will eventually archive this one. I never really stopped researching the ship (been a long time interest) and have found a bunch of new modifications to include on the next build; things such as the degaussing cables, external superstructure fittings, voice tubes from the uppers and such.

To move things along, where I can justify it, I may decide to use some elements of my old Arizona, such as Turret 3 with the catapult, on the new build, but I will make those decisions as I progress.

This will likely be my last year doing Defence Reserve duty, (I time expire in 2025) so full retirement and way more time for recreation beckons.

Onwards................ :cool:
if you are going to keep the old model then why not kitbash it to late war Pennsylvania so have 1 sister at start of war & other late war for comparison differences?
if you are going to keep the old model then why not kitbash it to late war Pennsylvania so have 1 sister at start of war & other late war for comparison differences?
Hi David,

That may be a fine idea. Given the bulk of the battle damage was to the tripods, I could look to obtain one of the 3D printed lattice mast kits. Food for thought. Cheers.
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