USS Constitution Build log by VIC [COMPLETED BUILD]

See entry #81
Hello Victator,
These are hammock irons, rails, and netting. Two hundred years ago, the Constitution‘s sailors’ hammocks would have been stored in the open waist netting.

Picture courtesy Naval History & Heritage Command Detachment Boston. James Almeida, Naval Architect Technician


This is how the hommocks look back there...


You may be interested to check this link out. A wealth of information about Constitution

Yup... I was about to say the same thing.... actually they served a couple of purposes...

1. The netting served as a place to stow the sleeping hammocks for the sailors during the daytime.
2. The netting combined with the hammocks provided a certain amount of protection against splinters and shraphnel during battle action
3. On certain ships these same nets would also be used to stow the anti-boarding nets that could be raised via rigging to help prevent boarding parties from getting on the ship.

But yes... they are nets made of rope and as such should be the color of rope like the running rigging. Here is a color photo from the weather deck of the HMS Victory.

Hope this helps.
I wish I had known you guys before I installed them. They were real pain in the tush. I don’t relish the thought of tearing them out and redoing them.
The square top of the mast was wider than the aperture in the crowd nest so I had to shave the opening. Seemed easier than shaving whole square part of the mast. Then I discovered the top of the mast wasn’t square so I had to trim it so the fitting would align and not be crooked. 60CFA4E4-F412-46D8-BF39-CB41C032A05D.jpegA6195BF8-0E4F-4499-8DDB-0C916632EE2E.jpeg110FE922-DCF6-4BE8-B87E-FFF295200A53.jpeg
Victator - If you are interested in doing some extra detailing, try taking a roll of first aid cloth gauze bandage, cut it into workable lengths, roll it up, and stuff it down inside your netting to simulate hammocks. You might be surprised how cool it will look.
Victator - If you are interested in doing some extra detailing, try taking a roll of first aid cloth gauze bandage, cut it into workable lengths, roll it up, and stuff it down inside your netting to simulate hammocks. You might be surprised how cool it will look.
I might try that. Have you done that before?
I think it’s true to scale, but doesn’t look like it fits that well.
Hello vfordyce, The hammock sure looks good, unfortunately, they has be rolled\folded to stock in those rails. For this purpose it even better for you, as you don't have to create them this way. Take a look at the picture below.


