Willem Barentsz by Kolderstok AD 1596

True statement, the advantage being that I now know how to ty knots with two sets of tweezers.
I’m almost at the point that I can successfully manipulate one tweezer. :rolleyes:
All a result of tying way too many ratlines at a way too small scale (I hope..)
Not that I’m counting, but on the Starboard Main mast ratlines there are 6 x 6 x 21 = 720 knots and for the Foremast there are 5 X 5 X 20 = 500. ROTF
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I’m almost at the point that I can successfully manipulate one tweezer. :rolleyes:

Not that I’m counting, but on the Starboard Main mast there are 6 x 6 x 21 = 720 knots and for the Foremast there are 5 X 5 X 20 = 500. ROTF
Good afternoon Jan. Looking good- ratlines always adds so much aesthetically to these period ship models - nice. I think you are ready to “rat” the Victory next ROTF ….I lost count at 4000 odd clove hitches although felt more like a gazzilionROTF. Cheers Grant
You don’t have to. Only the lower shrouds hat ratlines, the fore top mast and nain top mast could be lowered, so you didn’t need to go up in the shrouds.
Thank you Hans. My contemplation came from looking at photos of completed WB builds.

How's that for customer service Jan. Hans bailed you out from your 'contemplating' Thumbs-Up
Indeed. Absolutely great service.
TA-DA. The “ratline” tying marathon has ended.

The result on the Port side.

View attachment 471219l

Next on the agenda are the various yardarms.

When looking again at your ratlines odyssee, it's obviously a lot of knots were tied, but I think it could have been way worse, take a look at the HMS Victory or the Cutty Sark, for instance. You would have been tying clove hitches way into next year.
Still, she's looking pretty with those ratlines being done with, you did a really good job on the WB, also when taking into account a previous mishap...
That gives the model a impressive different view, Jan. Chapeau!
Regards, Peter
You are correct. That exercise changed the whole appearance of the model.

Very very nice Jan. (My english teacher would have given me a F- "nice" is a lazy non descript word she would admonish Redface). So - looking wonderful Jan. Cheers Grant
“Nice” is OK by me. The yardarms and rigging are next, so more knots are on the agenda.

When looking again at your ratlines odyssee, it's obviously a lot of knots were tied, but I think it could have been way worse, take a look at the HMS Victory or the Cutty Sark, for instance. You would have been tying clove hitches way into next year.
Still, she's looking pretty with those ratlines being done with, you did a really good job on the WB, also when taking into account a previous mishap...

Ive looked at the HMS Victory and other builds and I’m impressed by the rigging. I don’t think I have the the patience to do that.

Yup, the little ship survived the Tsunami and when completed will sail to a new home in the Midwest.
A bit more progress. The Mizzenmast rigging.


All the rigging for the yardarm and Mizzenmast is done. I had a little difficulty trying to manufacture the long blocks called for in the instructions to be used to thread the "Crows Feet" at the top of the yardarm. (Lots of additions to the Bad Word Jar). I used two 4mm single blocks instead. I like the way it came out.

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