Welcome. I too have noticed the preponderance of chaps on this site and often wondered what chapesses do as their equivalent hobby.
Given that many of us on the forum are fairly senior (SAGA louts?) I wonder if there is a knock-on effect from the gender stereotyping that was rife in our childhood.
Boys had train sets; girls had doll's houses. Boys helped dad with DIY and became used to working with wood; girls helped mum in the kitchen. At my school in the fifties the boys did woodwork; the girls did 'domestic science'. When boys started work they often served engineering apprenticeships; girls would start in the typing pool and progress, via shorthand etc to become secretaries.
I hope all this has changed and that there may be more ladies joining SOS. As others have remarked, this forum is full of helpful suggestions and I have never seen any criticism of people (like myself) who just enjoy building models but do not necessarily strive for perfection or impressive historical accuracy.