Hello Donnie,
My prayers will be with you for a speedy recovery.
My prayers will be with you for a speedy recovery.
Thanks, I tried this and it works for me too.My doc told me when I feel a sneeze comeing on bend your knees a bit, that way you won't throw your back out. But all backs are different but it helps to bend the knees . Ok more thought and prayers for you.
My prayers from a person who has had back pain since I had a job as a soldier in '71. The pain drains the body of energy. Never goes away.For one thing, let me say that it is kind of difficult to ask for thoughts and prayers as I always struggle with the thoughts that there are many other people that have serious health concerns that go way beyond mine.
However, if anyone is inclined to do so, please send one up to our Lord that I might can find relief from back problems. I have been going to a Chiropractor for the past several months and the X Ray did find a pelvic problem and that has been taken care of.
However, in the latter months, I started having this mysterious rib pain on the right side (by the way - all my back pain is always on my right side). Come to find out, the Chiro said that I have a couple of ribs that are out of alignment (slipped). In googling this, I did find that there is a such thing as slipped rib syndrome.
Now, to make matters worse, two weeks ago, I was trying to get a new washing machine in the house. I lost my balance and fell completely backwards and landed onto a stack of cardboard boxes that were full of stuff. Since being full of adrenaline and the Admiral trying to get me out of the pile of boxes, I did not pay attention to the pain - yes, I was hurting all over - but that is a given - so I did not pay any attention to it - it will pass in a few hours - wrong -
I now have a deep seated pain two of my ribs and also the lower part of my shoulder blade. I am thinking that I must have accrued a stress fracture on the shoulder blade along with doing some tissue damage.
I am currently trying to treat myself with a powerful NSAID that I have on hand and also some hydrocodone. So, I am trying to see the physical doctor tomorrow instead of Chiro.
Needless to say, I am in a lot of pain and discomfort now - so I would appreciate any prayers please.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery mateFor one thing, let me say that it is kind of difficult to ask for thoughts and prayers as I always struggle with the thoughts that there are many other people that have serious health concerns that go way beyond mine.
However, if anyone is inclined to do so, please send one up to our Lord that I might can find relief from back problems. I have been going to a Chiropractor for the past several months and the X Ray did find a pelvic problem and that has been taken care of.
However, in the latter months, I started having this mysterious rib pain on the right side (by the way - all my back pain is always on my right side). Come to find out, the Chiro said that I have a couple of ribs that are out of alignment (slipped). In googling this, I did find that there is a such thing as slipped rib syndrome.
Now, to make matters worse, two weeks ago, I was trying to get a new washing machine in the house. I lost my balance and fell completely backwards and landed onto a stack of cardboard boxes that were full of stuff. Since being full of adrenaline and the Admiral trying to get me out of the pile of boxes, I did not pay attention to the pain - yes, I was hurting all over - but that is a given - so I did not pay any attention to it - it will pass in a few hours - wrong -
I now have a deep seated pain two of my ribs and also the lower part of my shoulder blade. I am thinking that I must have accrued a stress fracture on the shoulder blade along with doing some tissue damage.
I am currently trying to treat myself with a powerful NSAID that I have on hand and also some hydrocodone. So, I am trying to see the physical doctor tomorrow instead of Chiro.
Needless to say, I am in a lot of pain and discomfort now - so I would appreciate any prayers please.
Speaking from experience, the back brace is helpful, helps prevent added physical stress and related injury. Do NOT lean over your work with your head out over your chest. I have done myself serious injury this way. If you can't lift something with your legs, BACK STRAIGHT!, DON"T LIFT IT! In fact, Always keep your back straight, head upright!!Prayers Donnie that you, the Doctors and the man above can bring the pain down to manageable levels SOON! Living with chronic back pain can be debilitating.
I routinely use a back belt when my discs problems flare up. It takes some pressure off the muscles that go into spasm to protect the injured area. The spasms are the major cause of the pain. Fairly cheap at any drugstore/Walmart/Amazon. After two discectomies, resulting from a parachute accident 35 years ago, I have learned to read the signals my body sends. Here is a link of what to look for.
Back belt link