YQ Bluenose Ted R (COM PLETED)

Have fitted up to frame 20 to both keel and keelson.

Do you wait for the glue to set on one frame prior to glueing another?
I made sure all frames fitted snugly on both keel and keelsons, before applying any glue.
I also made sure all char from the laser cutting was removed and checked, rechecked and triple checked the foot of all parts.
The assembly was done from the bow and the stern towards the middle, whrer I had frame 31 installed to give some stability to the whole set-up.
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Did you glue the waterway
Waterways were not glued before I was ready to install the decks.
The manual suggests to use the waterways to keep proper separation between the frames. Besides, you still have to install four (2LH and 2RH) longerons and on top of those the deck crossbeams, before you are coming up to the step of deck installation.
Also make sure to check with the translated build instructions, these call for installation of the decks first, before bonding the waterways.
Sorry for so many questions.
Did you install the brass nails in the keelson prior to installing? It looks like it is really tight at the bow if you wait until it is installed l.
No problem!
All nails were drilled and installed post-keelsons installation, using a hand drill, some tweezers and a lot of patience. Oh, and a bad words jar might also come in handy.
No problem!
All nails were drilled and installed post-keelsons installation, using a hand drill, some tweezers and a lot of patience. Oh, and a bad words jar might also come in handy.
I guess I better go get a cuss word jar. Thank you for the clarifications.
I lost most of the frane marks for the load bearing beams and cutoff lines during sanding. If I remark the load bearing beams on the interior of the frames they will probably be lost during fairing of the interior. If I mark them on the sides of the frames how do I get access to erase them prior to finish?
f I mark them on the sides of the frames how do I get access to erase them prior to finish?
Good question, I had very light marks on the side of every 3rd frame. Then finished sanded the interior, then transferred the marks back inside and about 1\2 a mm low so that when glueing the runner in, I just barely covered the marks and it worked. You will still have access to the previous side marks and can sand them out.
Sounds like a plan to me. I hope to finish the pre fitting of the keel, frames and keelson today. Then I will remark the frames and start frame glueing and assembly.
It's remarkable how perfectly the three keelson parts fit.
Do I glue the ends of the frame extensions to the jig when I glue the frames to the keel?
Do I glue the ends of the frame extensions to the jig when I glue the frames to the keel?
I did Ted. You would not want the assembly to start popping out of the jig way before it was time. When it comes time to remove the hull from the jig you can just saw it out at the extensions.
Ok, I have all the load bearing and cutoff lines marked. I have set a centerline string and fitted all the frames to thee keel and keelson.
I'm wondering if I should give all the parts a coat of wipe on poly to keep any excess glue from damaging the finish when I glue In the frames .
I knew it was going to easy. I have reversed frames 46 and 45. I got them mis numbered some way. I'm going to let everything cure in place overnight and then swap them back where they belong.
Everything else seems to be faired and coming out great..
I bit the bullet and start d glueing. Everything seems to be going good. So I n
Must be in trouble.View attachment 441307
I knew it was going to easy. I have reversed frames 46 and 45. I got them mis numbered some way. I'm going to let everything cure in place overnight and then swap them back where they belong.
Everything else seems to be faired and coming out great..
I saw your photo and it got my attention.;) But you have already noticed yourself. :) By placing every new frame, keep on checking all the different lines of the hull and the frames! The notches of half rear parts of the frames must lay in a smooth line. Because the deck beams will rest on them.
Regards, Peter