YQ Bluenose Ted R (COM PLETED)

I made the missing piece for the stern rail and promptly cut it backwards. Since then I made some filler pieces and have shaped and glued them up.
My constant measuring and marking something correctly then cutting it incorrectly is starting to concern me. Approaching senility or dementia. Hope not. I do online games utilizing spatial coordination, mathematIMG20240727090804.jpgics, word recognition and memory every day to try and get the old grey cells firing properly.
Maybe I'm overthinking it and just need to be more careful.
Happy modeling,
Used Ca glue for a filler on the debonded areas of the rails.
Repaired stern rail. Still have one scratch to fill. Finished the rails. Now for a final sanding and touchup paint.
This has been a long and difficult build to this point.
It has also been very rewarding. As I look at the model I can find at least a dozen areas that are not completely correct. At the same time I see what I did wrong and why it happened.
It would be very disheartening if I didn't recognize the problem.
However, I can live with the present defects and also look at my model with some level of pride.
Happy modeling,
I have been watching your work and it has been remarkable! I know you have just done a few simpler craft before this one. If I may (and I am probably too late) I would use Elmers wood filler or some sawdust mixed in with white glue for those gaps.

Just a thought

You're probably right.
The other methods I have tried have been inconsistent.
I haven't seen any photos of go the finish transition fromIMG20240801140823.jpg painted side to the wood finish side.
For example so I paint the bottom of the keel or should it be wood finish?
The same goes for the bottom of the hull and bow.
Best regards,
I got the new piece installed but not shaped. Don't know how big to make the hole for the rudder. I will wait until I start doing the rudder to make the hole.
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