YQ Bluenose Ted R (COM PLETED)

Progress is still progress, however small.
Besides, with 8 months into your build you're as far as I was with 15 months, so no complaining, mister. ;)
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You show the cheek next to the mast hoop. Thats not where it goes, the cheeks support the crosstrees up against the mast as shown on your plan sheets 8-4. Part #117.

View attachment 476407
I was trying to show how the cheeks were wider than the center part of the crosstree.
I shimmed the center part and it works. Shown I the proper place.
Thank you for looking out for me. You know I need a little direction from time to time.
Best regards
I'm sorry, Ted, parts 117 and 106 should be about 2 inches apart and not attached to one another, as @Daniel20 showed in his picture.
I'm sorry I don't understand.
It appears to me that they are about two inches apart in Daniel's photo.
Good morning
This is basically how I understand the crosstree is assembled. Not measured out at this point. Just tacked in place to verify all the parts are in the correct position
Best regards
Ted IMG20241010081453.jpgIMG20241010081459.jpgIMG20241010081442.jpg
110Good morning
This is basically how I understand the crosstree is assembled. Not measured out at this point. Just tacked in place to verify all the parts are in the correct position
Best regards
Ted View attachment 476570View attachment 476571View attachment 476572
Unfortunately, Ted, both beams are not positioned correctly. They do not belong at the front !!!
In the photo that Daniel posted, you can see that they are positioned UP ON the 2 small horizontal beams 110.
The shorter beam 109 is on de back of the lower mast. The longer beam 111 is in front of it and therefore between the lower and the upper mast.
That’s why those beams 109 and 111 are called ‘Crosstrees’. They lay ‘crossed’ on the ‘Trestletrees’ 110.
It is better to take also the lower mast and compare the position of these parts on top of the lower mast and compare it with the photo from Daniel.
Regards, Peter
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I'm afraid you're still mixing parts and locations. Parts 109 and 111 should be sitting on top of parts 110.
I tried to illustrate that in the picture below, but maybe it's an idea to make some sketches based on the drawings and go through some build logs to become intimately familiar with the trestle tree.
The main mast should be able to bass between parts 109 and 111
