Good man. ! I thought I might be the only hoarder!I defintely need therapy. I have the following in my stash:
Occre Montanes
Occre Santisima Trinidad
ZHL Soleil Royal
Vanguard Models Sphinx
I am currently working on the MS Constitution and I have my eye on purchasing the Confederacy
But I would really like to find a POF model to build as well. Thank you @dockattner, for this. lol
I also have about half a dozen other projects that involve tools and how to use them and automating their use.
oh no. believe me, it's an addiction I tell you! lolGood man. ! I thought I might be the only hoarder!
Stash … three ships, five armoured vehicles and a bunch of figurines. It’s called ‘attic insulation’
2 In progress 2 in reserve and I want moreI can’t stop wanting more.
I think I need therapy.
Let’s see your “to do “ stash guys.
View attachment 469230
What a fantastic hobby room. Look at all those kits. Even a Pocher. I’ve made about five Pochers, great kits.I hope this behavior is normal....
It has grown a few kits since this picture.
View attachment 469376
Is this your online store, Jeff?I hope this behavior is normal....
It has grown a few kits since this picture.
View attachment 469376
That cover art is really effective advertising, isn't it, Corsair?I hope this behavior is normal....
It has grown a few kits since this picture.
View attachment 469376
congrats. you win! I am not worthyI hope this behavior is normal....
It has grown a few kits since this picture.
View attachment 469376