Oliver Cromwell, POF ,Scale 1:48 by Lawrence [COMPLETED BUILD]

PS - Thanks for the amber resentment but means that it is snowing here in Sutton, Ontario we decided on a Ceaser. We call them a Red Thing here on the old Homestead.
If I'm not mistaken, that is very similar to a 'bloody Mary', am I correct?
If it cold outside, I like a touch of tawny port!
Havagooday and keep warm my friend!
Outstanding Work! the framing looks awesome Brother

Hello Epicdoom
I thank you very much for your visit to my build log, also for your very kind words and nice comments. The outer Side Counter Timbers will be more of a challenge due to the 3 layers of wood that were required to be able to make this Outer Counter Timber Fit the Sides of my Oliver Cromwell build, ENJOY. Regards Lawrence
Hello Ship Mates

Thanks for all of your visits to my build log.

Back in the Old Ship Yard the little fellows have cut and preshaped the two Outside Counter Timbers and remover the paper pattern and laded out the Counter Timbers for the cutting and installing the 3 Transoms Timber beams for the windows and also the Quarterdeck along with the nameplate. This for sure does not look like a lot on my drawings but to build them turned into another story. Now I must prebend these arched timbers to fit across the Counter timbers and then notch these out so that they will accept the cross member timbers, ENJOY. Regards Lawrence
Hello Ship Mates

Thanks for all of your visits to my build log.

Back in the Old Ship Yard the little fellows have cut and preshaped the two Outside Counter Timbers and remover the paper pattern and laded out the Counter Timbers for the cutting and installing the 3 Transoms Timber beams for the windows and also the Quarterdeck along with the nameplate. This for sure does not look like a lot on my drawings but to build them turned into another story. Now I must prebend these arched timbers to fit across the Counter timbers and then notch these out so that they will accept the cross member timbers, ENJOY. Regards Lawrence
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Well Lawrence you certainly get a move on, it looks all good stuff you have encouraged me to get on with HANNA I am building.
I am a little slow but working from a wheelchair is a little awkward, I have made progress and will soon have more pics.
Dearest regards JANET
Well Lawrence you certainly get a move on, it looks all good stuff you have encouraged me to get on with HANNA I am building.
I am a little slow but working from a wheelchair is a little awkward, I have made progress and will soon have more pics.
Dearest regards JANET
Hello Janet
I thank you very much for your visit to my build log, also for your very kind words and nice comments. Well this evening I have finally cur, fitted and glued in the Last of the three transom timbers that will hold and support the windows and also the ships name, this took me quite some time to do as I did not want to be too rough and break the transom timbers or least of all the Counter timbers. I will tet the glue set overnight and clean it up in the AM.
You say that you find working on your ship from a chair. I have an older Ship Mate who when working on his ship he wears an apron and does a lot of the work with the ship lying on his lap, just a thought, maybe this method would help you enjoy your shipbuilding just a bit more. I sometimes do this my self, but I prefer to raise or lower my chair and sometimes even add another cushion to get a bit more height, ENJOY
Regards Lawrence
Hello Ship Mates

I thank you all for all of your visits to my build log on the little ship the Oliver Cromwell.

Back in the Old Ship Yard, we made a bad discovery yesterday somehow we lost the curvature for the windows and ship's nameplate, it was just to flat, so we tour out the Inter Counter timbers and recut them, they are now reinstalled and we do have the lower plank redrying that will be glued in after an hour or so when it excepts the new curve. I looked out the Old Ship Yard window this AM and saw that we got around 3" or 7.5 cm. I thought it looked rather nice and thought that I would share it with you all, ENJOY. Regards Lawrence

Looking fantastic we also got a little snow here in Maryland but it was super wet and slushy. Got up this morning and it was all gone. Hopefully we get some snow while deer season is still in this year. I love to stalk hunt them in the snow. Been seeing a lot of coyotes here this year gonna have to start taking them out before they ruin my deer and Turkey hunting areas.
Looking fantastic we also got a little snow here in Maryland but it was super wet and slushy. Got up this morning and it was all gone. Hopefully we get some snow while deer season is still in this year. I love to stalk hunt them in the snow. Been seeing a lot of coyotes here this year gonna have to start taking them out before they ruin my deer and Turkey hunting areas.
Hello Epicdoom
Yes, the snow does look nice but I was hoping to run my lawnmower over and chop up the fallen leaves with my set of Gator shredder blades but that looks like I missed it, so will have to get them in the spring.
Yes those coyotes are a pain and I can never understand just why our so-called intelligent governments ever reinstalled them at all, that is beyond me, ENJOY.
Regards Lawrence
Lawrence, I've been following your build from the start and I can't get over how beautifully she is coming along! Looking down the hull from the stern in the last picture you took sure shows off them curves flawlessly! Definitely a cause for rubbernecking! Just out of curiosity, how many feet of hardwood did you end up using to build your frames? We got a fair dumping last night as well but, on a busy street street in Ottawa one can't appreciate the beauty as much as your spot.
I've heard quite a few folks complain about coyotes in the last few years (not here but elsewhere) and I can't help thinking about a documentary I saw awhile back of the wolves in Yellowstone. Please don't think I'm lecturing! Back in the day, wolves were regarded as pests, a danger to encroaching farm lands and cattle herds. Wolves were on the top of the list for extermination and hunted relentlessly to extinction. After many years, the government and researchers found that every other species that was on the wolves menu suffered tragically for them not being there. There were no predators around to cull the weak, sick or even plain over abundance of prey animals. Their populations started dying off in turn from starvation etc. Long story short, Alberta wolves were imported to Yellowstone and once again all affected populations began to thrive once more.
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Hello Ron 0909
Welcome to my build log on the little ship the Oliver Cromwell. I am always pleased to have a new crew member on board, Please stop by very often, your words and comments are always welcome here, Please pull up a chair and join in on the fun of building this fine little ship.
I have milled around 200' around 67 meters I believe. I used cherry wood for my framing, that was given to me by a friend many years ago. Sure did make tons of sawdust much to my Admirals dismay, as my saws and planer are in our basement.
I do thank you very much for your very kind words and comments on my build, this is my first POF build and I have made a few boo-boos that's for sure.
I totally agree with you on the Northern Timber Wolf, a beautiful animal that is for sure. But not at all on the Coyotes, these to me are just a pack of wild dogs, that a lot of people have lost there small dogs and cats to them. A friend of ours North of the Sue Ste Marie almost lost her little poodle to one but she screamed at it and swung her broom and it dropped her dog and high tailed it back in the bush.
Well not much work at all in the Old Ship Yard today as I have converted out garden tractor over to a snow blower, and cleaned a walk to our shed where it lives to our home, the front walk and also our double driveway that the street and sidewalk plows like to fill in our driveways. I did, however, replace and install the lower transom beams this AM and still have the two that support the stern gallery windows, ENJOY
Regards Lawrence
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With your permission, I would also board this building log, Lawrence. I have my chair always ready. :) POF always attract my interest. Hoping one day, I will have a chance to build POF ship. That's in my future plans.
With your permission, I would also board this building log, Lawrence. I have my chair always ready. :) POF always attract my interest. Hoping one day, I will have a chance to build POF ship. That's in my future plans.
Hello Jim
Welcome aboard, the more the merrier so the old saying goes. I am always pleased to have another new crew member on boards. Please stop by often as your words and comments are always welcome here that is good or bad. Lots of room for your chair to join in on the fun of building this very fine little ship. Please try to remember that this is my first POF build, I got my plans from the Lumberyard and Dave over there has also given me a lot of helpful help. If you want to build one of these ships I would very strongly recommend one of Harold M Hahn builds. The upside down method makes it a lot easier to get started and you will also find a lot of very helpful Ship Mates here on the SOS Form, ENJOY.
Regards Lawrence