1682 HMY Fubbs 1:24 scale

Yes, we can do modifications as pleased. I have added Dolphins on the stair and 2 extra carvings I did by myself :).
I am now working on the ruder. Let see how it ends. Yesterday I downloaded your pictures. I will try to replicate your work there.
Nice job you are doing with your Fubbs. There are a few details you did that I like very much.

Best !!!
Hello Daniel, I thank you very much for your very kind words, I do wish that I had more time to work on my HMY Fubbs, even a couple of more hours per day would help. I do try to make my ships just a little different as I do like detail.
Regards Lawrence
A little late, but just to clarify things, the taffrail that is included in the kit is from the original work that Portia did and was copied by Reverend Romero and Bob Hunt. When Mike asked me to do the sculptures and help with the 3D modeling of the rear portion of the stern he sent me a file Bob Hunt had done to start with. I also have the Portia book, and Reverend Romeros practicum. I just reproduced what they did. It is also a pretty good facsimile for taffrail on the 1724 model.

a1 photo.jpg

If you look at the pictures of the paintings on the thumb drive in the kit a lot of the yachts have an arched taffrail like Mike S decided to do on the prototype. Mike built his after the kits were completed and sent out.

It's pretty up in the air as to what is correct or even if it stayed the same through the years. I reversed the entryway and raised the upper deck, and then partitioned the cabin to match the 1724 refit plans. I should ask a moderator to change the date on mine it's really more the 1724 version*. Interestingly though the 1724 plans show yet another version of the taffrail. I was thinking about doing one like the plan below being as I have CNC capability.

*The date has been changed.

a2 photo.jpg
A little late, but just to clarify things, the taffrail that is included in the kit is from the original work that Portia did and was copied by Reverend Romero and Bob Hunt. When Mike asked me to do the sculptures and help with the 3D modeling of the rear portion of the stern he sent me a file Bob Hunt had done to start with. I also have the Portia book, and Reverend Romeros practicum. I just reproduced what they did. It is also a pretty good facsimile for taffrail on the 1724 model.

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If you look at the pictures of the paintings on the thumb drive in the kit a lot of the yachts have an arched taffrail like Mike S decided to do on the prototype. Mike built his after the kits were completed and sent out.

It's pretty up in the air as to what is correct or even if it stayed the same through the years. I reversed the entryway and raised the upper deck, and then partitioned the cabin to match the 1724 refit plans. I should ask a moderator to change the date on mine it's really more the 1724 version. Interestingly though the 1724 plans show yet another version of the taffrail. I was thinking about doing one like the plan below being as I have CNC capability.

View attachment 451417
Hello Jodie, I do thank you very much for your clarification of the HMY Fubbs, you make it all much easier to understand. It will be very interesting to see what you come up with in your HMY Fubbs, will be looking for a few more updates.
Regards Lawrence
Hello Ship Mates, The little fellows and I have been trying out our artistic skills with our shaking hands. Never the less we have painted the Upper Transom Carvings in gold with a blue back. A far cry from what an artiest would do but we feel that in our case it is acceptable, with a bit of a push.
Regards Lawrence


Hello Ship Mates, The little fellows and I have been chucking away at our HMY Fubbs, we have built and installed the Starboard Quarter Sculpture and painted it gold. This still needs a few touch up's but then again I am running out of gold paint, I would have ordered some more but it would not arrive until next week and we are closing down the Old Ship Yard for a week as we , the Admiral and I are off to the Byers Lodge on the French River for a week to celebrate the Admirals birthday, so until then happy sailing.
Regards Lawrence


