1682 HMY FUBBS - 1:24 - Stern Section [COMPLETED BUILD]

I have glued up the frames and thats about it.
I am a bit fatigued with ship modelling at present, but will get back into the swing of things soon.
I understand. I stopped for several months, did some cash registers Hobbie and came back. Well, I will be looking forward to your build.

All the best !
The officials are rigorously checking the "in development" new dry dock support. The project leader is concerned saying " What the heck is going on ? There is nothing to be worried about... the keel is glued and screwed to the frames on 3 points... relax". Nevertheless the officials don't look convinced. :)



Enjoy... Cheers


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Hi all

Thank you very much for all the likes and comments. They are always encouraging.

I have completed the entrance way decorations. I took a little artistic freedom and added 2 Gold Dophins at the door entrance. As you all remember, i already added 2 dolphins on the last stair step (can be seen on one of the images). And, a few weeks back, I already showed the 2 carvings I added on each hull internal sides. Windows and door frames had a touch of gold too.

Now I will start the rudder decoration and stern carvings.


I like your work on this stern model very much - and very accurate finish
Very good work :cool:
I like your work on this stern model very much - and very accurate finish
Very good work :cool:

Thank you Uwek, for stopping by and this comment. And thank you all for your likes !!!!!

Today a crew member went to check a section of the cargo area. He found an issue with the wine barrels, "What is going on here", he though. He called the officials to take a look.
Thank you Jimsky and Paul fir your likes. I hope your breathing exercise have relaxed you both :)

Now , I would like to show you all the channels with the deadeyes, plus the mast wedges.

Channels/deadeyes images and Mast wedges

Now, this posting will show the HMY FUBBS Stern Section finished. BUT !!!!! This model has a set of furniture that I need yet to paint and place it in the main room. So technically it is NO YET finish. Nevertheless, I decided to post diferent views of the HMY FUBBS, in case my colleague modelers, that are building this version, would like to see what I did.

Again, next post will be when I finish painting the furniture and the officials. In the meantime ENJOY !!!!



Cheers to all
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That's a fine looking model Daniel? Is there more to do?

It really is. At the end, what Mike and @MystRacing (Jodie), plus all the team involved on the development, have done is something very pretty and well done (for lack of other words). For my own fun, I added the Dolphins.

To answer your question: YES !!! There is more. I still need to paint all these furniture's and the paintings frames. For this I will request my Admiral help. My hands trembled significantly when I was working on details.

Best !!!
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