17th Century Battle Station - HMS Mordaunt, 1:32 - DocBlake


Hi, Guys!

I just got back from the Wisconsin Maritime Museum in Manitowoc WI after attending the 43nd Annual Midwestern Model Ships & Boats Contest and Display. This is the longest running juried model show in the country. I showed my 17th Century Battle Station and Naval cannon. There was a lot of interest, especially in the battle station. People were fascinated by the fact that the model was actually a kit we designed and produced. I had a dozen people leave business cards and place "orders" for the kit when we start to produce it commercially. Of course, I told them we had no plans to produce the kit, and didn't own the rights to the plans anyway. Nonetheless people were very interested. The NRG Director asked me to consider giving a presentation on how we came up with the idea of the kit and how we executed it at the show next year or at the NRG annual conference. As I said, a lot of interest. Thanks to Don Robinson and Mike Shanks for letting me be part of this, and all their hard work on the project. Oh, and by the way, both the Battle Station and the Naval Cannon took Silver Awards in the intermediate scratch built category!

The Best of Show this year was a magnificent scratch built POF model of the Swan Class "Atalanta" by Toni Levine. It took Toni 5 years to build the model and it is as incredible as anything I've ever seen. An amazing job! It's so great to see women active in this hobby, and achieving at such a high level.

I'll post some photos tomorrow.

Thanks, Mike,

I don’t care much about winning or losing...it’s just fun to share models in person. Lots of feedback and good conversation. It was a good experience.
I don't know how I haven't come across this thread before, but I just want to say the battle station looks superb. Beautifully modelled, and I've just turned green.
Surely you must be going to produce this commercially?
