Here is my jury-rig for making rope coils. First, I cut out two sort of circular blanks from an old CD case. Then I drilled a hole in the center of both blanks the size of the bolt that will hold them together. Cut a small notch in the corner of one hole for the line to pass through so it won’t interfere with the bolt, then bolting the blanks together.
View attachment 219283Soak the line in a mixture of 50/50 water and glue. Pass the line through the hole and holding it against the notch, bolt the other blank onto the first and lightly tighten the halves together.
View attachment 219284Rotate the blanks keeping tension on the line so the wraps stay snug to each other. When the coil is the size you want, hold it with a clamp until it dries.
View attachment 219285When dry, remove the bolt, nut and blank halves. I found if it dries to long, overnight in my case, the bolt will be hard to get loose and it pulled the coil apart. About 2-3 hours seems to be about right but be careful as it might still be a little damp. A little more drying time and you have a nice, neat coil.
View attachment 219286View attachment 219287