thank you very much my dear friend, you and The professional members who are partners in our special forum are an inspiration to meA much better effort which is testimony to your dedication and commitment.
Innate skill and patience. Your progress is astounding
thank you very much my dear friendsWOW, that is some amazing carving skills you are showing here. I have a somewhat difficult time with carving in 3D. I can do 2D which the Zeehaen has several pieces of. As Maarten said, "you have to think in 3D.
my dear friendThe hand chiseling seems to give a much "smoother" look to the wood than the milling bits. That was good advice. Just take care with the sharp tools.
my dear friendHi Shota,
Nice work on the crown. One tip, milling bits I only use for the course milling. The mill bits mill bits cut and are good for removing more material. Fine tuning you can do with a bit but then use diamond grinding bits, these sand away material which is a much slower and controlable process.
These are not expensive at all.
Dear KevinI have yet to try carving . Its on my bucket list. The one thing i know is that the more you work on something the better you get.
Dear GAStenThat looks very good,well done!!! Looking forward to seeing more as it takes shape.
thanks, my Dear friendHi Shota,
There are special working gloves with cutting protection.
SafetyJogger Shield Snijbestendige Werkhandschoenen
1 paar Snijbestendige werkhandschoenen. EN 388, EN 420, beschikbaar in de maten M tot en met
There are even steel handgloves used by oyster cutters.
Maliënkolder handschoen RVS
Snijbestendige maliënkolder handschoenen van roestvrij staal. Verkrijgbaar in de maten XS (donkergroen/6), S (wit/7), M (rood/8), L (blauw/9), XL (oranje/10) en 2XL (paars/11). Prijs per
Be aware to keep the rubber surface of your glove on the inside of your handpalm.
WitajHello dear friends
Today I approached the main thing - carving the lion's body.
First I made sure that all relevant chisels intended for the job were properly sharpened.
Today I used a sharpening kit based on leather and another lubricant, I am attaching a picture (my dear friend stuglo lent it to me).
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After about an hour of sharpening the chisels, I started Drawings of the figure of the lion, I used the drawings from the internet that teach in stages how to draw a lion, as well as its head.
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Later I drew with the help of blue copy paper that we used to decades ago for reproduction (before the era of home printers). In the carving course I took a few months ago, the teacher taught us the technique. I also used transparent wax paper that allows the drawing to be transferred to another surface/wood.
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W kolejnym kroku przeniosłem rysunek na wycięty kilka tygodni temu klocek drewna. Jest dla mnie jasne, że niektóre rysunki zostaną wymazane podczas rzeźbienia, ale powinny mi pomóc w trójwymiarowej wizji rzeźby.
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Po tych wszystkich przygotowaniach zacząłem powoli rzeźbić. Podczas pracy drewniany blok zaczął przybierać przyszłą konfigurację lwa. Nie martw się, czeka mnie o wiele więcej i bardziej skomplikowana praca, zwłaszcza delikatne rzeźbienia drobnego detalu
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Niestety i tym razem udało mi się skaleczyć palec mimo, że miałem na sobie rękawicę roboczą, okazuje się, że wyostrzenie było dobre (tym razem cięcie było mniej głębokie)
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Życzę wszystkim miłego i udanego weekendu
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Dziękuję bardzo kochany MirekWitaj
Jestem pełen podziwu dla Ciebie że podjąłeś się takiego wyzwania. Czymam kciuki za powodzenie twojego projektu . פוזדרוויאם מירק