AKERBOOM 1681 after Ab Hoving nominally 1/66 but drawings in 1/64

Hello friends,

I decided to redesign the CenterBoard due to Ab's advice of the obvious problems with cutting.

So I decided to colour three of the WLs in blue, green*, and orange.

Here the centerboard where I decided to keep a very small stenchion to keep the backdeck in it's hight - and draw the 1,5mm Slots for the bulkheads and the cardstripes keeping the bulkheads in straight shape:

Now the after part with her "femal trouble zone bottom" ;-) I decided to keep the "stanchion" quite long as we can allways cut a bit more off - but never cut it on again!

I cut off the rudder and by this I do hopefully correctly created the deadwood and sternpost.
I do plan to make the CenterBoard from 1.5mm bookmaker's cardbord:

and cut out the fill-in-pices (keel to the lowest water line, giving a slot for the horizontal layers, thant a piece from the layer to the second waterline's underside due to the next slot for the second horizontal layers and than the same row of square pieces towards the CWL. After this the pices aren't any longer square - now the have to fit in their topside to the deck's bend line. By this I can allways cut cut a pair of pices for the port and starboard side, too:

So I do have to cut quite a number of floortiles (nld.: vloertegel**) on my cutting machine making it a preindustrial but manufactural process:

Are there any errors in my idea?
*Sorry my Dutch friends but white was sadly not "avaible".

**what a beauty of a word!
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I do need to find in my v.d.Velde drawings some contemporary ideas of the Dutch style of the "prompt corner" for the helmsman at the kolderstock.
On Ab's ships I figured out three different styles:
Afb 9.jpeg
AKERBOOM seems to have simply a grill above the helmsman (so communication is safe).

His fleute seems to have "windows" in the bulkhead between the stairs.
Pinas_wrak_0959_HR kopie.JPG
And his 'Ship In Trouble" seems to have a rounded corner.

Has this to do with the building years or yard or type of ship?

:D Just asking - as this question flashed through my brain now.
The Akerboom has a compartment in which the helmsman stands, having view of the sails through openings in the bulkhead before him. That is about the same situation as in the fluit and on the pinas.
Akerboom: The steering stand before the main cabin with view forward.
Schermafbeelding 2025-03-20 om 18.24.09.pngSchermafbeelding 2025-03-20 om 18.24.19.png

Fluit: Openings in the low bulkhead can be seen. We don't know wether the steering was done with the tiller (with or without tackles) or with a whip-staff. No info on that point.
Schermafbeelding 2025-03-20 om 18.27.43.png

Schermafbeelding 2025-03-20 om 18.28.39.png
Apart from the view for the helmsman through the door opening, there are openings to the left and right of the door and on top of that an 'arch' above the whip-staff so it can make a maximal swing. See the digital pinas at witsenscheepsbouw.com.
Thanks you very much, dear Ab.

Tomorrow I do start cutting out the bulkheads:IMG_20240326_130228_104 (1).jpg

As fsr as I understood your œvre the bulkheads are cut out up to the deck's level and a bit above:

So the deck do fit propperly - the stem, keel, and stern post are doubled.

What I am affraid of is the indistinguability of the lines' of the upper hull in the last quater of the bulkheads - it is not easy to pick out the right line:
as on the end there are no bulkheads lines but even between 7600 and 9000 it isn't easy.

But on your model it Looks so right and easy:
By this you get a correctly bent deck and
IMG_0107 (2).jpeg
the klickered upper side of the hull right.

So what are your magic words, Ab? ;-)
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No magic words Chris, just look well at what grows under your hands and adjust where necessary. Don't be too hard on yourself. Mistakes are always made and most of the time the problems can be easily solved. And if not... start anew. You will see that you learned a lot from your first try.
Today I worked on my bulkheads, dear friends, and I realised there were several lines to be added...


So I did cut out the first bulkheads and glued

onto cardboard so I could Work on them:

I realised to add 1,5mms to the decks' for the nesseccerry Slots:

setting points with the scalpell's pointy top:

...some painstraking work for my eyes:

but it does Work quite welll with enough light and interruptions:

Than I Had to do it on the very next sheet again!
So I decided to do a pair of former plans propperly with the slots and to xerox them:

...leaving enough work for tomorrow at all.

Edit 16:49h:
My 50 copies are in a nice stash now.
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Hi Chris,

I think you are over engineering your bulkheads. You only need the position of the centerboard and the other longitudinal boards you will install. After the first layer of paper you see nothing of all your preparation. It is much easier to use straight boards without a curve.
Perhaps it is a good idea to have a look of the design of a model from shipyard or another publisher.
Yes I do know, dear Christian,

but I am affraid of instability of this quite big hull with it's 670mm in length - build only from 1,5mm cardboard. So I do not want loosing the hull when admidst the build. The Idea is right - but the ShipYard or JSC models are from 160g paper scaled to 1:400 up to 1:200 - but not 1/64, where the pure wight of the hull may bent the model. When you do lift a even small number of bookbinder cardboard sheets it is quite a heavy load.

The curved slots are there to make the decks' curveature - hopefully. And due to your intervention I've got the idea to simplify the lower gundeck: So as you told completly right anything within will be hidden in the hull's dark absyss - I think I will only have make a slim board to place the carriages' dummies (as in a plastic model's hull). I think the scale is absolutely too big l to avoid bent deck - as it could be done in 1:200 and is done.*

Thank you very much for this idea, Christian!

Thanks for your suiperbe support and this helpfull hint, Christian
* in particular compared the the other decks coming above it up untill the flag pole.
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The Idea is right - but the ShipYard or JSC models are from 160g paper scaled to 1:400 up to 1:200 - but not 1/64, where the pure wight of the hull may bent the model. When you do lift a even small number of bookbinder cardboard sheets it is quite a heavy load.

That is not correct. Shipyard is using the same technic for their models in 1/72 and 1/96. I build some hulls of their 1/72 series which are really stable. If you use their method, I do not think that you will have any problem.
The construction when glued makes it stable. 1,5mm cardboard will not bend when the hull is in place. I agree with Christian.

here are a few pictures of some old cardboard work All hulls are in 1/72

1. Papegojan. I used some Balsa to fill the hull. A thick 1.5mm cardboard has the same effect.

Papegojan-003.jpg Papegojan-037.jpgPapegojan-038.jpg

As second example the hull of HMS Wolf. I use some extra cardboard for filling Also here it is not really necessary if you use a thick cardboard as first layer:

wolf-003.jpg wolf-020.jpg wolf-021.jpg
Thank you very much, Christian, this is very helpfull and the pictures you posted very interesting for my build. Great stuff you do!

Today I started to cut out the 2nd edition bulkheads.

Here my first cut out: The bulkhead I called "A".
There are three "H"s as similar bulkheads and so I do end with a bulkhead "P".

I decided to glue with a glue stick as the fluit PVA or Uhu makes terrible waves in the paper.

This from here and me.