Dear friends,
to go a bit into History I searched my brain.
As the AKERBOOM and her sister GIDEON is part of the 2nd charter of the 1660-80 building programm I did work on the list at
Wikipedia [click] to collect all 140ft ships of the Amsterdam's admirality - as I was told above that these was a building programm of several ships (but I am unable to find the text's passage it was in) for the 2nd Anglo-Dutch War. If possible I added some intersting information from and other sources. I collected all the pictures I could find above the names and datas - so we do have got some idea what the ship looked like (as a helping hand if anybody wants to build in particular her.) This list isn't a dogma there might be very well errors in there - please add your knowledge to this.
The number of guns is given for
MD: Main Deck
UD: Upper Deck
BD: Back Deck
QD: Quater Deck
(the number of gunports is given behind)
as there were changes these will be noted.
So here my list of
140ft (and +/-5ft arround) ships. I try to understand the difference in armament between 50 Up to 65 and even 70 guns!
Out of the Amsterdam built ships are:
Here we do start with a portrait of GELOOF 1661 by Van de Velde (picture allways above the notes) showing here fine lines:
- Geloof 60-guns (1661, 140 ft) – broken up 1676 MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Liefde 70-guns (1661, 140 ft) – broken up 1666 MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Akerboom 60-guns (1664, 140 ft) – wrecked 1689 MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Gouden Leeuwen 50-guns (1665, 141 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Beschermer 54-guns (1665, 141 3⁄4 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Essen 50-guns (1665, 142 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Oosterwijk ??-guns (or Huis te Oosterwijk) (140 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Provincie van Utrecht 60-guns (1663, 145 ft) – broken up 1691 MD: UD: BD: QD:
Admiralty of the Noorderkwartier:
- Monnikendam 62-guns (1664, 140 ft*) – wrecked 1683 second rate of the line MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Alkmaar 62-guns (1666, 140 ft*) third rate of the line MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Noorderkwartier 60-guns (1664, 136 ft) – sold 1686 MD: UD: BD: QD:
Admiralty of Friesland:
- Vredewold 60-guns (1665, 140 ft) third rate of the line MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Sneek 65-guns (1666, 150 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
Admiralty of the Maze (Rotterdam):
- Schieland 54-guns (1666, 140 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Wassenaar 56-guns (1666, 140 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
Admirality of the Zeeland:
- Zierikzee 60-guns (1665, 145 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Tholen 60-guns (1666, 145 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
- Domburg 60-guns (1666, 145 ft) MD: UD: BD: QD:
So the question certainly is: Were the ships of the other admiralities build similar to AKERBOOM or GIDEON lines?
(When I do find the books and time to add further data I will add as much as possible...
so please stay patient.)
* says: "Length of Gundeck"